Rachel Anne Daquis: Strong is the new sexy

Petron Blaze Spikers player Rachel Anne Daquis, the new ambassadress for Snow Caps and mySlim, believes that “strong is the new sexy.” Philstar.com/Joyce Jimenez 

MANILA, Philippines – Beauty and a good physique are not enough to be considered sexy, said volleyball star Rachel Anne Daquis.

“Strong is the new sexy,” she replied when asked how she would define the word “sexy,” in an interview on Thursday when she was introduced as the newest face of Snow Caps and mySLim.

She also added that a woman’s beauty doesn’t solely depend on how she looks but on how well she carries herself.

“Dapat kilala mo ang sarili mo,” she explained. “Dapat alam mo ang strengths and weaknesses mo, and focus on your strengths.”

Since she is doing several commercials and endorsements on the side, Daquis was asked if she plans to pursue a career in showbiz.

“I had an opportunity for show business pero mas nag-pursue ako sa career ko sa volleyball,” she revealed. “If there’s another opportunity, why not naman po, di ba?”

In case she enters showbiz, she would like to be a host, like former Ateneo Lady Eagles player Gretchen Ho who is now doing different hosting stints.

She’s also open to learn the world of acting, but clarified that she would never do a sexy role despite being part of FHM Philippines's 100 Sexiest Women in the World list for three consecutive years. 

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