A thrilling night with Rick Astley

From left: The author, Martin Nievera and British singer Astley on stage at The Theatre of Solaire—Photo by STEPHEN LAVOIE  

MANILA, Philippines - Who would have thought that the music idol of my teens would actually give me a shot to sing with him on stage ... and not just him but also with the Philippines’ Concert King Martin Nievera no less.

Fifteen minutes before showtime for what would be an evening of glorious Rick Astley hits from the ‘80s, I got the opportunity (thanks to my best buddy Audie Gemora who is currently the entertainment head of The Theatre at Solaire) to meet the headliner himself backstage for some photo opportunity.

When my turn came to meet Rick, I casually mentioned that back in 1989, then a fledgling singer trying to make it to the mainstream, I recorded one of his hit tracks Hold Me In Your Arms that Octo Arts EMI insisted I recorded since back then, Rick was a worldwide sensation. Immediately after telling him this, he asked if I knew his song, My Ams Keep Missing You.

As a huge fan of his, without blinking I said, “Yes, I do!” and hummed the tune in front of him. I told him, “I’m just not sure about the lyrics because it’s been so long since I last heard it, and sang it.” Rick replied with a smile, “Don’t worry we have a prompter ready.”

The excitement within me grew as I quickly clicked on YouTube to review. The show started and I just enjoyed the next 45 minutes along with every single audience member. We were on our feet dancing and singing along, taking photos and selfies, and just really having a great time.

Then the moment came where Rick gave the cue by saying, “It’s time for me to take a quick break and allow someone out here to take over this next song.”

Now seated on the same row I was was Martin and of course, everyone pointed and shouted “Martin! Martin!” It was, after all, the obvious choice since everyone saw him in the house. But then Rick pointed to me and said, “You, the guy with the glasses, wearing the vest, we spoke backstage... you know this song!”

I trembled and my first instinct was to pull my friend Martin (generous as he always is) on stage with me and give it a go. Soon as Martin and I were set on stage, Rick did a quick a cappella review on My Heart Keeps Missing You

As the band began playing, there it was — the spirit of the ‘80s and all that Rick Astley attitude surged within as Martin and Rick danced festively behind me as I sang the verses. At some point, Rick took over the singing then Martin and I eased behind him for some ‘80s moves. It was pure abandonment of all that was Rick Astley plus all that ‘80s gunpowder in us. What a thrill it was!


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