PBB teens share family stories

MANILA, Philippines - Ylona Garcia and Jimboy Martin of the Pinoy Big Brother Teen edition go home to their provinces to meet their families and friends as they fulfill another task from Big Brother while sharing their stories exclusively on ABS-CBNmobile.

Tagging along with them are Bailey May and Franco Rodriguez, who make up the rest of PBB Teen Big 4.

They first went to Marikina, where Ylona’s relatives live and where they got a better appreciation of the shoe industry in the famous city. They even went to the cemetery to accompany Ylona’s Lola Francine in visiting loved ones who passed away.

After a few days of spending time with Ylona’s relatives and touring Marikina, the Teen Big 4 went to Nueva Vizcaya at Jimboy’s place. There, they got to play basketball and do household chores. They also visited Jimboy’s newborn baby sister at the hospital.

What did Bailey, Franco and Jimboy say about Ylona’s family? What was the prayer of Ylona’s Lola for her? What promise did Jimboy fulfill for his ex when he got home? What did Jimboy do to some of his winnings?

Find out through ABS-CBNmobile by watching exclusive videos of the Teen Big 4’s homecomings on iWant TV. Just get an ABS-CBNmobile SIM, download the iWant TV app and register using the new ABS-CBNmobile number, load at least P10, and then text “iWantv10” to 2135.

For details, visit www.abscbnmobile.com.

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