Ron with Michelle… or Sera

Fated to Love You is an ABS-CBN afternoon drama that starts with the story of Ron and Michelle who initially don’t know each other. We are introduced to Ron as someone from a rich family with a devil-may-care attitude. If there’s anyone Ron will yield to, it’s his girlfriend Sera whom he had wanted to marry for so long. Sera is a ballet dancer based in the US but who has promised to give up her art and marry Ron.

The story continues with Sera finally coming home and Ron preparing for the marriage proposal he plans to hold in Macau. Ron’s family members have also been waiting for this marriage to happen so they can soon have an heir to the family fortune. 

Plans for the grand proposal in Macau are set with Sera arriving earlier than expected. Ron is shown giving instructions on how everything is to be conducted from the nitty-gritty details of decoration, food to placement of tables for the guests. Although a little bit disappointed that his surprise is discovered, Ron is ecstatic that finally, the woman he has long waited for is now ready to become his wife.

Meanwhile, the employees in Ron’s family firm, after discovering that the company is being sold with the employees losing their jobs, decide to do something about it. Their solution is to get Ron so drunk to show everyone his incompetence. At the same time, a young lady named Michelle who works in Ron’s firm wins a prize from the company — an all-expenses-paid vacation for two. Michelle has never before won such a huge prize until a friend advises her to bring along a lawyer male companion who’s offering to help and protect her. However, Michelle finds out later on that the lawyer had intended no such thing when she finds him making love and having fun with a woman for hire. 

Michelle and Ron then find each other together in the same room in Macau. She also finds herself getting drunk with the same strong potion given to Ron as she drinks from a bottle she thought contained a regular soft drink. The following day, both Ron and Michelle awaken together in the same room in a hilarious scene that will have the police knocking at their door when called upon by the couple.   

A new development has Sera leaving for the US after her ballet instructor calls to say she has to fill in the place of the scheduled performer and play the lead role. Naturally, this is an opportunity Sera must take. After Sera leaves, Michelle and Ron find themselves seeing more of each other.

Ron spoils her by treating her to a makeover, then takes her to the casino calling her his “lucky charm.” Meanwhile, Michelle finds herself pregnant from that one-night-stand, which Ron discovers in a hilarious scene at the confessional with Ron playing the priest. Will they finally fall for each other? Fated to Love You airs every 4 p.m. on ABS-CBN.

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