Women’s Tree of Justice launched

The 1976 Lino Brocka’s classic Insiang revolves around the story of Insiang (Hilda Koronel) whose mother Tonya (Mona Lisa) takes a young lover Dado (Ruel Vernal) under her wings despite their overwhelming poverty in the slums of Tondo. Insiang is raped by Dado but her cry for help to her mother fell on deaf ears. Insiang is forced to take revenge at those who have made her life miserable.

Insiang’s poignant story continues to happen in real life. It can be the story of anyone and of countless women and children who suffer violence and exploitation. Some take justice in their own hands while others choose to suffer in silence. Everyday we come across this kind of story. We hear it on radio, watch it on TV and read about it in newspapers and on social media.

This year, the House of Representatives commemorates the 104th year of the International Women’s Rights month. Likewise, the Beijing Platform for Action turns 20 this year (Beijing+20). Beijing+20 is a promise to women from various parts of the world. It was articulated during the Fourth World Conference on Women in Huairou, Beijing in 1995 when tens of thousands of women advocates and activists held actions to raise the concerns of various women’s sectors. More than 180 governments, including the Philippine government, pledged their commitments and agreed to adopt and implement laws to eliminate gender-based violence.

In the country, there are laws on the protection of women and children but the culture of violence and impunity continues to abuse and oppress women. According to a letter from Rep. Emmi de Jesus of the Gabriela Women’s Party, “a woman is raped every one hour and 21 minutes and the victims are getting younger. Six out of 10 victims of sexual harassment are minors. Justice remains elusive to women and children victims of violence as reflected in the very low conviction on cases filed in court.”
There is a challenge for us to continue to highlight programs, resources and affirmative actions that will result in positive changes in the lives of the poorest of the poor Filipino women.

The celebration of the International Women’s Month this month and the 20th year of the Beijing Platform for Action is a good opportunity to gather women, to rekindle commitment and to encourage political action.

In line with these special events, the Gabriela Women’s Party, in partnership with the Congressional Spouses Foundation, Inc., Association of Lady Legislators and the Committee on Women and Gender Equality, will have a Women’s Tree of Hope and Transformation interactive art installation in a strategic location on the House of Congress grounds.

The art installation called Women’s Tree of Justice will feature an artistic rendition of a tree by woman artist/sculptor Aba Lluch. Collaborative art will be integrated, including paintings of abused women in the process of healing by painter Imelda Cajipe-Endaya and the porcelain vessels by artist potter Lanelle Abueva-Fernandez.

The Women’s Tree of Justice will feature varying shapes and colors of real leaves dipped in resin, representing affirmative actions that will help push for positive changes in the lives of the poorest and most oppressed Filipinas. The Women’s Tree of Justice is a promise to women of life, of hope, of growth and of transformation.

The following are the pledges that will help transform the promise into a commitment that will eradicate gender-based violence and impunity:
1. I pledge to support legislation to protect and uphold women and children’s rights.
2. I pledge to call and work for an end to violence against women and children.
3. I pledge to work for the welfare of women and children.
4. I pledge to contribute to the Anti-VAWC campaign fund.
The Women’s Tree of Justice was launched last March 9 at the North Wing Lobby of the House of Representatives. The Women’s Tree of Justice, rich with leaves, shows the comprehensive situation of women and the struggle of women for justice.

The art installation is open for public viewing until March 18.


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