Celebs for healthy, sexy detox juicing

Jessa Zaragoza and daughter Jayda with Sexy Detox founders Jessica Mae Arsolon and lawyer Reginald Tayag

MANILA, Philippines - Detox juicing has been proven as an effective way to cleanse the body. One of the popular detox juices in the market is Sexy Detox that has already attracted almost 20,000 followers on Instagram.

Jessa Zaragoza, who is seen in the comedy program Pepito Manaloto, has tried drinking Sexy Detox juices. “I learned juicing from my sister in San Diego, California. She’s been doing it for a while now. I saw it from a friend on Instagram. The flavors look really interesting. I tried another brand before and it just made me more curious about what’s so special with the different flavors of Sexy Detox. I enjoy it a lot! I find the flavors really yummy, to think that it’s a healthy drink! You won’t get bored with the taste because it has a lot of flavor variations,” said the actress-singer said.

Like Jessa, Yayo Aguila discovered Sexy Detox through Instagram. “I learned that celebrities are into it. So I tried it. I’m a happy Sexy Detox drinker. I have been taking it for many months now,” said Yayo, who stars on GMA 7’s More Than Words.

She added, “Sexy Detox is very consistent as far as taste and texture. I haven’t tried a flavor that is not delicious.”

Another Sexy Detox patron is Jen Rosendahl. The former Viva Hot Babe learned about the Sexy Detox products from her friends. “Awesome experience because Sexy Detox has a wide range of choices when it comes to flavors and juices, and the packages come at a very reasonable price.”

For details, call 0917-6548168 or follow on Instagram @sexydetox and Facebook/SexyDetox. You can also log on to www.sexydetox.ph or e-mail sexydetox@gmail.com.

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