How Kelly keeps it light

MANILA, Philippines - Kelly Misa has been a commercial and ramp model for over a decade now but there’s no stopping the 32-year-old Filipina from doing more, while keeping it light. She is a  columnist for the PDI, a beauty editor of Look Magazine, the creative and content director of her own website, and recently, the host of lifestyle show, Trending Now airing on ANC.

But to do all these, Kelly accepts all the help she can get. Her husband Carlos Fernandez, who has always been supportive of all her endeavors, is a reliable partner in running the household, adjusting to his wife’s frenetic schedule.

Kelly also relies on her trusted health supplements, such as C-Lium Fibre.

Feeling light and energetic is the state of health she wants to be in day-in and day-out as she dives into her tasks head-on. One moment she is in a photo shoot determining the shade of lipstick a model needs to wear; next, she is on a far-away island reporting its beauty in front of the camera. Aside from taking fiber supplementation courtesy of C-Lium, Kelly also does yoga and Pilates. “They help me to stay focused and be positive,” Kelly says. “I usually spend an hour to 90 minutes for yoga, which I consider as time for myself.”

Complementing her chosen physical routine is a healthy and well-balanced diet. Kelly cooks her own meals. “I try to stay away from fatty food,” she says. “It would be better for me to have more fruits and vegetables.”

Now that she is in her early 30s, Kelly is more aware of living healthy, especially because “things are slowing down a bit.”

For Kelly, there is no better time to invest in one’s health than now. “You really have to take care of your health,” she says. “If you have to do a little each day to avoid a huge hospital bill in the future, why not do it? An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. That applies to life. Everyone should really consider it and pursue a healthier lifestyle.”

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