The Number Game, A quiz about significant numbers in movie titles

MANILA, Philippines - Believe it or not, titles do have an effect in catching potential viewers’ attention. While actors and story line are undeniably important, it is also a fact that titles do have their share of turning a movie into either a hit or a fail. One fascinating thing is how movie makers put significant “numbers” in movie titles — making it easier for viewers to remember them. How many of these movie titles do you know? Take this quiz and find out!

1. This 1987 film is about a baby who has several daddies: _____ Men and a Baby.

 a. three     b. two         c. five         d. ten

2. Be careful whenever this day comes because Jason is out to get whoever he pleases. Friday the _____.

a. 1st          b. 10th       c. 13th d. 25th

3. This movie is about a hotel with a haunted room. Don’t ever go to room ______.

a. 1666      b. 4444      c. 1405      d. 1408

4. He falls in love with her hoping she would feel the same. He doesn’t give up easily so this went on and on. This film is entitles _____ Days of Summer.

a. 100        b. 500        c. 11 d. 150

5. Cole has a special gift of seeing dead people. This is what we call “The ____ Sense”.

 a. 6th  b. 3rd      c. 8th          d. 1st

6. After _____ Weddings and ___ Funeral, that’s when they realized they are in love.

a. 3 , 1        b. 4, a         C. 10, 10      D. 7, 7

7. Oh no, watch out! For there is an “Attack of the _____ feet Woman.”

a. 4 ft.       b. 10 ft.        c. 50 ft.       d. 40 ft.

8. Originally, Mr. Ocean has a team of ____; thus the film’s title Ocean’s ____.

    a. 12       b. 11 c. 13 d. 4

9. In the movie, How To Lose a Guy in ____ Days, the lady writer taught she would just be playing games, but in the end she realizes that she has actually fallen in love.

a. 10           b. 5   c. 20 d. 9

10. This famous movie about The West talks about the “Magnificent ____”.

a. 5   b. 11 c. 7   d. 3

11. Always the bridesmaid never the bride. In her wardrobe she has “____ Dresses.”

a. 28           b. 100        c. 5   d. 27

12. A man is left comatosed in a hospital; ____ Days Later, he wakes up and finds no one around but strange creatures.

a. 365        b. 28 c. 5   d.127

13. To other people they may seem to be The ____ Idiots but actually they are smart in their own way. Their friendship is remarkable.

a. 10           b. 5   c. 3   d. 4

14. This ____ Year Old Virgin is pretty determined to finally not be one anymore and so he tries to look out for a target.

a. 50           b. 40 c. 20 d. 25

15. This movie came out and caused viewers to wonder if the end of the world was really in “______.”

a. 2012      b. 2025      c. 1999      d. 2000

16. Would you dare to take care of  ______ Dalmatians? They may seem cute but that is a lot!

a. 101        b. 201        c. 300         d. 1

17. An army of “____” is up against hundred thousands of fighters.

a. 400        b. 150        c. 200         d. 300

18. “____ coins in a fountain” is all you


Answer Key:

1.) a  2.) c   3.) d   4.) b   5.) a   6.) b   7.) c   8.)b    9.) a   10.) c   11.) d  12.) b  13.) c  14.) b  15.) a  16.) a  17.) d  18.) a  19.) b  20.) b need for your wishes to come true.

 a. Three    b. One        c. Two        d. Five

19. What is the title of this film where the lead character wishes to be older than she is? ____ Going On ___.

a. 14, 40    b. 13, 30    c. 16, 60    d. 10, 20

20. Everybody wants to know and see what happens to the Miracle on _____ Street. 

a. 66th    b. 34th  c. 20th       d. 44th

Test Result:

1-5 points. Hey, numbers are important too. See how many movie titles have numbers in them.  

6-10 points. It’s ok. Give yourself more time when taking this quiz. Just a little recap and you’ll surely be on top.

11-15 points. Impressive! You have a good memory. You know which ones should be remembered.

16-20 points. Amazing! You

 probably use numbers a lot in your daily life and you got an eye for details. Great work!



Answer Key:

1.) a  2.) c   3.) d   4.) b   5.) a   6.) b   7.) c   8.)b    9.) a   10.) c   11.) d  12.) b  13.) c  14.) b  15.) a  16.) a  17.) d  18.) a  19.) b  20.) b


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