Lasting friendships in films

MANILA, Philippines - When it comes to movies, one of the best-loved themes is friendship. While normally it would be a relationship among humans, filmmakers have made some unusual ones, too, which make the movies even more fascinating. Here are some films about unique friendships. Some end happily while others end in tragedy.

Robot and Frank. Frank is in his senior years; and as everybody knows, this is the time when memory problems occur. Because of this, Frank’s son decides to give him a robot companion that will take care of all his needs. Eventually, the robot becomes not just a helper but a dear friend to Frank.

Cast Away. Chuck Noland seems thankful at first upon realizing that he has survived a plane crash, but it might have also crossed his mind to be dead rather than to suffer loneliness in that island. He even makes friends with a volley ball that he names Wilson just to feel that he’s with someone. He develops an emotional attachment to the ball. He even cries when he loses it.

Life of Pi. After surviving the shipwreck that killed his family, Pi, short for Piscine, is stuck with a tiger. Together on a lifeboat, they struggle to get along. It may seem impossible, but after a time, they appear to respect each other’s space. However, a question arises: Does the tiger ever feel any attachment to Pi or is it just Pi feeling it, human that he is?

Hachi. Based on a true story, the film is a remake of the original one shown in 1987. A touching movie that surely brings tears to viewers, Hachi is about the amazing loyalty of a dog to its master. Movies about human-pet relationships never fail to create that emotional cinematic experience.

Child’s Play. Shown way back in 1988, the movie is about the friendship of Andy and his toy doll named Chucky, which is inhabited by an angry spirit. At first, Andy enjoys Chucky’s company but afterwards, things get a bit tougher and Andy can’t handle the doll from hell anymore. Chucky wants to be a real boy and that is possible through Andy.

Ben. The 1972 film is about a boy and his friend Ben, a rat with a gift of special intelligence. All looks well since Ben seems to keep the boy’s spirits up. However, things get uncontrolled when Ben becomes too possessive and protective. The movie is known for its theme song of the same title which was sung by Michael Jackson.  

Ratatouille. Just like Ben, this is another movie about a human-and-rat friendship, although this one is in animation and holds a different plot. Remy, a rat, has a talent for cooking; Alfredo, on the other hand, has zero kitchen skills. Their paths cross and they become friends. The next thing they know, they are helping each other in the kitchen. The film gives rats a good reputation.

Real Steel. The movie is set in the future when gigantic robots are the ones used in boxing fights. A boy and his father, a former boxer himself, try their luck to win some money through recycled robots. The boy then starts to feel a certain connection with their robot.

Lassie Come Home. The classic and touching tale of Lassie is sure to warm anybody’s heart. Join Lassie, an intelligent Collie, as he finds his way back to his human family. Along the way, Lassie meets different kinds of people — good and bad.

Mac and Me. The story is about the friendship of a mysterious creature and a physically-challenged boy. Together, they discover friendship and overcome the trials that come with it.

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