Animals in action

MANILA, Philippines - It is always fascinating to see movies that put animals in the limelight. May it be a comedy, a science fiction, an actioner  or an adventure film, it’s a different fare for viewers when creatures, other than humans, become the center of a story. Through the years, many of our animal friends have become iconic characters. Here are some movies that showcase unforgettable animals in action: 

Planet of the Apes. While it could be a nightmare if ever the plot of the film comes true, viewers still love it. It actually makes one wonder if it is a fact that apes can be as intelligent as how they are depicted in the film.

Lassie Come Home. The movie is about a Collie’s long journey back to its owner. Along the way, the dog meets different kinds of people. After the showing of the  film, Collies became so popular among pet enthusiasts. Obviously, they hoped that their Collies would be as smart as the one in the film.  

Jurassic Park. It was 1993 when the phenomenal film came out. Dinosaurs became the talk of the town again because of it. Comparing to other films that were shown at that time, Jurassic Park stood out for its novelty and scare factor.

Piranha. Unlike other meat-eating creatures that are enormous, Piranhas are not alarming in size. However, when they start to hunt and eat, terror begins. The film has the usual predator-prey plot, but what’s different is how the film’s creature eats, especially when they are in groups — no meat visible after meals. 

Life of Pi. Pi tells his experience of living in a lifeboat with an angry and hungry Bengal tiger for 227 days. He may be human but Pi feels like he has created a connection with the tiger — a friendship perhaps. But he is disappointed when the tiger just takes off when they land on an island. It must have been quite the experience to be filming with animals, especially wild ones like tigers.

Anaconda. As the title says it, the movie is about an anaconda that lurks in a swamp and gobbles up anybody it senses. Surely, nobody wishes to be on the shoes of the characters in the movie — watching the film is just enough.  

Hachi. The film is based on a true story about the amazing loyalty of a dog. Films about dogs never fail to touch the hearts of viewers. Guess there’s a certain special connection between dogs and humans. No wonder, filmmakers usually choose dogs as part or main cast of a movie.    

Free Willy. If there are movies about killer sea creatures, there are also movies about friendly, adorable ones. Free Willy is about a boy who tries to rescue a theme-park whale by freeing it. Keiko, the whale who played Willy in the movie, became an instant celebrity. Sadly, Keiko died in 2003, but the well-loved whale is immortalized in the film.

Mr. Popper’s Penguin. Mr. Popper gets the surprise of his life when his father’s last will and testament says he needs to take care of penguins. How does one even start?

Jaws. Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the film about the ferocious killer shark that became such a box-office hit and now a classic. The thriller is set on a beach that becomes a hunting ground for this giant white shark.

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