Coolest seniors in movies

MANILA, Philippines - Who says seniors are boring people who ought to stay in the house? This is such a huge mistake. While they may not be how they were before, it doesn’t mean that they should hide from the world they used to be actively part of. It is nice to know that there are movies that show how cool seniors can be. It’s not the age, it’s the attitude; and yes, they still got it! Here are some films about awesome seniors:

Red. Frank Moses is a retired CIA agent who’s trying to live a peaceful life; however, it seems like things are not yet done for him. That is because he finds himself being on a mission again. Not to worry, he still has it and his reliable connections. Will it still be “mission accomplished” for Frank?

Expendables. True, some of the action stars in this movie are not yet in their senior years but they are mostly considered as “The Seniors” when it comes to action films since they have been playing their roles for a long time already. Even though their looks and moves have changed after many years, fans still haven’t turned their backs on these classic action stars.

Last Vegas. Four long-time friends meet again for the bachelor’s party of one of their buddies. Planned location: Las Vegas. Sounds like the usual movie plot? Not for this one. These four guys are in their senior years but are ready to party like the young ones. Seems impossible? Not to them. 

The Bucket List. Carter and Edward are both seniors diagnosed with cancer. It is serious and they are counting their days. Making the last days of their lives truly worthwhile, they decide to fulfill a list of things to do before the end comes. What a meaningful and brave way to face death.

Stand Up Guys. Val and Doc are former partners and good friends. After serving in prison for many years, Val is now free and reunited with Doc. Sadly, someone big from the past wants Val dead and that is Doc’s assignment. How will it work out for these two good buddies? Will they kill each other or kill the one who wants Val dead?

Hope Springs. A senior couple tries to bring back the spark in their married life. They go out of town to attend an expensive counseling session. Most senior couples would’ve just ignored any problems but not this pair. They want to feel that spark again and that is important in a loving relationship.

About Schmidt. Warren Schmidt, a retiree, is trying to get used to his new life as a senior. He starts to think a lot about the past and the future. He didn’t have a good relationship with his dead wife, and is also not in good terms with his only daughter. He supports a child financially and writes letters to him about how his life is. Warren thinks that he never made a difference but that soon will change. 

Something’s Gotta Give. They’re both in their senior years, one is a rich womanizer who goes after young girls, while the other one is a divorced writer who feels like she will never be in a relationship again. Is there any possibility for these two falling in love? Well, love always finds its way — no matter how, no matter what.

Space Cowboys. Four retired aircraft experts are needed to save the day. They are called for a mission to repair a satellite. Are they still capable? They probably are. If not, the government won’t be calling them. Sometimes, the old hands are still the best ones to call.

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