Matteo living fresh, living loud

MANILA, Philippines - If you thought you knew everything there is to know about Matteo Guidicelli (photo), then think again.

There’s so much more to this crush-worthy guy than meets the eye. For one, “I sang in a black gospel choir. It was an unforgettable experience. Singing in different churches in South Side, Chicago was life-changing. It felt magical,” the half-Italian hottie shares.

It’s one of those fun facts that spell out just how “fresh” this hunk can be. “I like being adventurous, trying out new things and just going all out.”

While it’s no secret that the 23-year-old has always been the athletic type, he admits that the kick he gets from triathlons is just one of the craziest things he craves. “Training non-stop and racing in Hawaii for the world championships. That, I would say, was over the top.”

Matteo was recently chosen as the first-ever endorser of Mentos in the Philippines, and 2014 will be all about discovering what helps him “live fresh.” For him, the bottom line is to just surprise oneself, in anything and everything.

“I usually train three to four times a week. Or there are times where I switch it up and just go to the gym, boxing and other intense workouts to keep everything fresh.”

He adds, “Every project I would consider challenging. When something is challenging, that alone keeps me motivated, just like learning a whole new language, Tagalog. It wasn’t easy but I had to if I wanted to stay in the industry.”


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