Jessica feeling more Pinay

MANILA, Philippines - Jessica Sanchez is back again in the country, and she considers this latest visit as extra special.

The Fil-Mexican American Idol Season 11 first runner-up, who was just here roughly two weeks ago, headlined the New Year’s Eve concert at Eastwood City, with Bamboo, The Voice of the Philippines grand winner Mitoy Yonting, South Border, UP Dharma Down and DJ Ace Ramos.

“What makes (this trip) special is that I’m spending a brand-new year with my Blujays (fans club), my second family, my kababayan,” Jessica told The STAR.

“My aunties (sisters of my mom) also came with me this time, and they haven’t been here since like 20 years back, so when they got here, they got so excited, they were like teenage girls at the back of the car. Of course, I wish I could have my whole family here with me but to have extra people come with me is awesome.”

This is the fourth visit of Jessica, who won over Filipino music fans during her AI stint last year. In her first visit late last year, Jessica had admitted to knowing very little about her Filipino culture, having been born and raised in the US, but each return has been a learning experience.

“Yeah, I feel more Filipino (now) like literally this is my second home. I might as well buy a house out here. It would be a smart thing to do because I come out here so much.”

The last time she was here in early December, she was able to travel outside of Metro Manila to do charity work for Starkey Hearing Foundation, a member NGO of the Clinton Global Initiative that has “brought the gift of hearing” to more than 100 countries including the Philippines.

She was able to fit in 3,000 hearing aids in General Santos, Batangas and Manila. “That was amazing, being the first voice that a person hears, not even like singing just saying hi, is like amazing. Everytime I’d come here before, I would be like, get in the car, go to the hotel, go to the venue, and that’s it. I never got to step outside. So, it was awesome to be more free to really interact with my kababayan.”

Jessica is also trying to learn the Filipino language. “I’m trying. I have my Rosetta Stone (language learning software) and then of course, my grandma, but last time we came over, my grandma stayed in the Philippines. And she’ll be staying here to be with my grandpa so when I go back home, I have my Rosetta Stone. Because it’s hard to come to a foreign country, especially somewhere you consider your second home, and where you feel so welcome and yet not having to understand the people. I think it’s very important and I think the language is very beautiful. It’s a plus, a win-win for me.”

One thing she’s also hankering to do while she’s here is to finally ride a jeepney. “My plan is to get on a jeepney. That’s one thing. And definitely to have fun with my family here and I always do. That’s not gonna be hard.”

This year, Jessica also looks forward to doing things typical girls her age would want to experience, like learning how to drive, although the 18-year-old has no plans of living independently just yet. She said that’s the Filipino side of her.

“Living on my own? I don’t think I can do that. I’m so used to having my mom with me, as well as my brothers. I don’t know what to do without them, you know. I wanna be with my mom and family for a very, very long time.”

Career-wise, she plans on recording the follow-up album to her debut Me, You & The Music.

“I want to write more. I want to be more involved creatively in  the album, for it to be more of me, because the last one it was the producers and stuff. I got to say which songs I like, but you never really get the genuine Jessica Sanchez, my stories…”

Not that she wasn’t happy with her first album. “I was actually very happy with it ‘coz I got to have a lot more input than I thought I was going to have. They didn’t stick me with a bunch of songs that they thought was best for me like Celine Dion kind of songs. It was more like youthful, but it didn’t really hit the spot for me. (Though) other songs were amazing.

“I’m definitely working things out with myself, definitely researching things and talking to people. I’m just very excited! I think this 2014, I’m going to take things slow and just focus on finding myself and releasing an album that’s 100-percent, authentic Jessica Sanchez.”

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