IN PHOTOS: Vic and Kris, Daniel and Kathryn shine at the 2013 MMFF Parade of Stars

Aiza Seguerra, Vic Sotto, James "Bimby" Yap Jr., Ryzza Mae Dizon, and Kris Aquino of "My Little Bossings" during the 2013 Metro Manila Film Festival Parade of Stars (Photo by Mark Atienza)

MANILA, Philippines – Cloudy skies didn’t stop movie fans from catching a glimpse of their favorite stars at the annual Parade of Stars of the 29th Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).

The Parade of Stars, which began at the Mall of Asia in Pasay City and ended at the Quirino Grandstand in Manila City on Sunday, serves as the official kick off of the annual film fest.

All eight entries of the 2013 MMFF are represented by eye-catching floats. Onboard the floats are the main stars of each film who braved the day’s unpredictable weather conditions for the chance to delight their supporters—and, of course, to promote their films in the upcoming film fest.

It deflects the highlight on the film festival's recent controversies, including the claim of Film Academy of the Philippines Director General Leo Martinez that the MMFF owes its beneficiaries P82 million from proceeds collected on the film fest's amusement tax from 2002 to 2008.

It was an issue that Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Francis Tolentino dodged during the omnibus press conference for the MMFF this year.

"We should look for threads, we should look for means, we should look for avenues that would rather unite us in serving not just the movie industry, but also in serving our brother Filipinos," he said.

This year's MMFF was also hounded by a number of entry withdrawals. Star Cinema backed out the film adaptation of "Be Careful With My Heart," citing schedule problems. Bong Revilla Jr., a constant fixture in the yearly film festival, also withdrew his movie "My Super Kap."

With the usual suspects out of the picture, will the 2013 MMFF each its box-office target (last year's overall gross reached over P700 million, according to reports)? Based on the fans who were present at the Parade of Stars, it can.

The float of “My Little Bossings” is one of the parade’s most popular attractions, thanks to its stars— Vic Sotto, child star Ryzza Mae Dizon, Kris Aquino and son James “Bimby” Yap Jr.

Vic Sotto and Kris Aquino lead the cast of “My Little Bossings” onboard their Parade of Stars float (Photo by Mark Atienza).

Gangster movie “Boy Golden,” meanwhile, had a vaudeville-themed float. The film stars George Estregan Jr. and KC Concepcion.

Jeorge Estregan Jr. and KC Concepcion wave at their fans during the MMFF 2013 Parade of Stars(Photo by Mark Atienza).

The Vice Ganda and Maricel Soriano-starrer “Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy” embraced Christmas with its sleigh-designed float.

Robin Padilla led the stars of the film “10,000 Hours.” Other stars of the movie present during the Parade of Stars include Wynwyn Marquez, Carla Humphries, Mylene Dizon, Bela Padilla, and Markki Stroem.

Robin Padilla is the main attraction of the “10,000 Hours” float during the 2013 MMFF Parade of Stars. (Photo by Mark Atienza).

“Pagpag,” the film festival’s only horror film, was a Parade of Stars favorite among the youth. The movie stars Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo.

Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla star in “Pagpag, Siyam na Buhay” (Photo by Mark Atienza).

“Kaleidoscope World,” a film inspired by the music of the late rapper Francis Magalona, joined the parade via a jeepney, while the float of “Pedro Calungsod: Ang Batang Martir” was Spanish-inspired.

MMFF 2013 will run starting Wednesday, December 2013. Here are other photos from the 39th Metro Manila Film Festival Parade of Stars (Photos by Mark Atienza):

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