Nat Geo brings ‘biggest astronomical event’ on TV

MANILA. Philippines- One of the biggest astronomical events of the century will unfold in our TV screens.

National Geographic Channel will give its viewers a rare treat of witnessing a “once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event,” as Comet ISON passes by Earth before it hits the Sun, through its show, the “Comet of the Century.”

Comety ISON measures 4,900 kilometers across with its dust tail extending more than 91,000 kilometers is bigger than the continent of Australia.

The comet is estimated to pass by the Sun on November 28, which could take the comet apart. The astronomical event may also result in a fantastic display of lights.

Comet ISON is over 4 billion years old and scientist are optimistic that the event would give them the opportunity to gather data and use these to understand comets, the sun, and possibly the origin of the solar system.

To provide the viewers a better understanding of the astronomical event, the show will guest experts including Adam McKay, one of the first astronomers to use spectroscopy with an earth-based telescope to observe the head of ISON; Karl Battams, a scientist from the British Naval Research Laboratory; and Gareth Williams, a scientist working with the Minor Planet Centre, which is responsible for keeping track of asteroids, comets and natural satellites.

The primier showing of the “Comet of the Century” will be on November 27, Wednesday at 10 p.m. on the National Geographic Channel.

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