Wansapanataym Christmas special

MANILA, Philippines - Julia Montes and Ejay Falcon will team up for the first time tonight as they topbill the first episode of Wansapanataym Christmas Special.

In the episode titled The Christmas Visitor, Julia gives life to the character of Marian, the daughter of a wealthy businessman who falls in love with a janitor named Joey to be portrayed by Ejay.

Because of his desire to get the acceptance of Marian’s father, Joey wishes on a magical Christmas ornament to provide him with beautiful decorations and delicious food for the special visit of Marian’s family. However, fate tests Joey’s kindness as other people who are much in need ask for his help. How will Joey learn that having a pure and kind heart is more important than owning all the material things in the world?

Also in the cast are Tirso Cruz III, Janice Hung and Perla Bautista. It is written by Noreen Capili and directed by Jon Villarin.

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