Haunted house in Bulilit, LUV U teens run away

MANILA, Philippines - The eerie things that go bump in the night are fast approaching this Halloween, and the kids and teens of ABS-CBN’s Goin’ Bulilit and LUV U are far from being spared from the scares tomorrow, Oct. 27.

One horror story begins with Bugoy Cariño, Clarence Delgado, Harvey Bautista and Carl Camo of Goin’ Bulilit, who were playing their usual game of basketball. Their friends Belinda Mariano, Chacha Cañete and Brenna Peñaflor join them, eager to be part of the fun — but the boys lose control of the ball and it ends up getting tossed into an old house beside the basketball court.

The young group of friends decides to go get the ball. They enter the old house but are surprised when they cross paths with a little boy and his yaya.

They soon discover that, in the past, the house caught fire, leaving two people inside — a little boy and his yaya.

In another story, six schoolmates head to a hospital to visit Principal Spencer (Smokey Manaloto). He had been confined for a strange injury that he got when a beggar on the street bit him.

Rocky (Igiboy Flores) notices the bite mark and arrives at the suspicion that it may have been a zombie attack.

The rest of the teens on the other hand, including Lexie (Alexa Ilacad) and Benj (Nash Aguas) arrive at the hospital but winds up in an abandoned wing, where they encounter a lonely patient looking for company.

How will these two horror stories end?Goin’ Bulilit and LUV U air Sundays.

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