2013 Bb. Pilipinas beauties take Dale Carnegie training

MANILA, Philippines - The 2013 Bb. Pilipinas winners led by Pia Wurtzbach, Cindy Miranda (Bb. Pilipinas-Tourism), Ariella Arida (Miss Universe-Philippines), Bea Santiago (Bb. Pilipinas–International) and Mutya Datul (Miss Supranational-Philippines) are shown with Dale Carnegie Training-Philippines franchise holder president Bienvenido S. Policarpio after they completed the exclusive Dale Carnegie Course (Class 1040). They said that the course will give them an edge over foreign competitors during their respective international competitions. The New York USA-based pioneering training via the Executive Training Institute of the Philippines has been a consistent sponsor of Bb. Pilipinas for several years now. Its courses impact participants through intensive trainings, team dynamics plus intra-group sessions.


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