Turn your passion into profits

MANILA, Philippines - Are you ready for a great adventure in your business?

This year, Bro. Bo Sanchez (photo), best-selling author, entrepreneur and the founding leader of the Light of Jesus (LOJ) Family collaborated with Dean Pax Lapid, Asian Institute of Management (AIM) Entrepreneurship professor, a phenomenal entrepreneur, who builds one business a year, to write the book, How To Turn Your Passion into Profit, 8 Keys To Build a Truly Rich Business.

The manual is a must for those who already have their own businesses, those who are about to start one, or those who do not have a clue what business to open. Which ever you are of the three categories, Dean Pax and Bro. Bo will surely get you in the right path.

To complete your learning, Bro. Bo shows how to follow your heart or your passion and Dean Pax gives the much-needed know-how. As a result, the duo comes up with a surefire highly-practical and doable guidebook for successful entrepreneurs. Like his previous books on the topic of riches, Bro. Bo reiterates his teaching that wealth should not be for oneself alone but should be used to serve others, especially those who cannot fend for themselves.

Yes, you can learn the master keys of self, opportunity, business, how essential customers are and how to monetize your passion and never stop growing yourself, among others.

Impossible? Well, then Bro. Bo also recently launched a new book, How To Do the Impossible.

You might think wanting to do the impossible is too big thinking — it’s impossible. Bro. Bo says thinking small and acting small is the way to be good and humble. But in his new book, Bro. Bo says God is looking for big dreamers and big lovers.

He presents eight keys to dream big and love big, to change your life forever, such as how to move mountains, enlarge your territories, multiply your harvests.

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