Miss Golden Sunset on Ricky show

MANILA, Philippines - Today at 9, Calatagan, Batangas’ beauty tilt Miss Golden Sunset 2013 will be launched on GMA News TV’s Gandang Ricky Reyes Todo Na Toh (GRR TNT).

The pageant proves that if Batangueños are known for bravery and fan knives or balisong, their female counterparts are gifted with beauty and charm.

Host-producer Ricky Reyes introduces a new drink concoction made of organic Acai berry and banana smoothie. “Instead of bottled sodas, the mixture makes delicious and healthy thirst quencher,” he says.

For summer skin ailments, GRR TNT recommends MX3 capsule, tea and coffee. Habitues of Golden Sunset Report Hotel and Spa (GSRHS) share testimonies why they love to hie off to the 14-hectare island paradise. “The swimming pools and gourmet dining areas attract me most,” says a senior citizen whose companions  love the fishing and boating areas, butterfly farm, biking area, museum where artifacts excavated in some Batangas places are on display, hydro massage and spa. 

But of course, a vantage area where guests gather is reserved for a spectacular sundown attraction. “We call it showtime.  It is the time when the golden sun sets in the west. Foreign guests can’t help but applaud as the countdown (ten seconds, the most) takes place,” describes GSRHS main man Cris Aquino.


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