Artista ka ba talaga?

During the Lenten season, I’ve come to the realization that it’s time that I give back, not just in my own little way but in a way wherein I can share what I have learned in the many years I’ve been away in New York and Los Angeles. As they say, wisdom comes with age and experience therefore what better way to give back by spreading the knowledge. I want to help out as many people as I can by giving advice if one is ever interested in a career in film or television — here or abroad.

Ask yourself who you are. Are you sensitive? Do you enjoy performing? How well do you get along with other people? Are you open? Do you handle criticism well? Being good-looking is certainly not the only recipe to becoming an actor, neither is having a good voice the sure recipe to becoming a singer. You have to have the attitude for it and by attitude I definitely don’t mean the arrogance associated with being a star. Napakadami ng mga diva. Utang na loob, wag nang dagdagaan. Remember, there are other actors besides the lead star. Talent and looks can help but aren’t the end and be all. You really must know what kind of actor you want to be. Be specific in what roles you think you can play. And by all means you must be a team player. I recently discovered that being part of an ensemble on stage is such a worthwhile feeling than being on a solo flight when cast as a lead. So figure it out then. Are you a lead or character actor? Be honest with yourself on the kinds of characters you can play.

Why do you want to be an “artista” anyway? Do your reasons go beyond wanting to help your parents or your family out of poverty? Every talent competition I watch these days there seems to be a common misconception that being an “artista” equates to getting out of poverty. Sorry to burst your bubble, but only education will get you out of poverty. Ask yourself what really are the reasons you want to be in the performing arts. If it’s to be famous, think again. And with the advent of social media, anyone can become a celebrity nowadays. If it’s a passion to share with others the stories that move you then you’re in the right direction.

Where do you want to act? If it’s film and you have no experience whatsoever, I suggest the following. Get together with friends and film yourself acting. Then you get in touch with the new breed of directors and request that you send them your work. If it’s in television, try auditioning for the networks’ casting calls. Another route can be getting a manager first but this requires you to take “headshots” (photos of you that show your type as actor). Headshot styles change but usually colored pictures are better over black and white. Getting a referral from someone is always the best way to meet people. Who knows someone who is in the business? Then ask then to recommend you to others.

What else do you have that no one else does? What makes you unique? What will make you stand out? If you want a long and fruitful career as an actor, you must discover your strengths that make you unforgettable. Read up and research on the most memorable characters and research what characters share your sensibilities as an actor. Material is key when being an actor and you must be able to have versatility to be different characters. Who wants to watch an actor play themselves?

Should the moment arrive that you do get to meet someone in the industry that can possibly give you a break, would you be ready? Sometimes opportunity does not knock twice. You’ve usually got one chance to impress so when that time comes, make sure you’ve gotten training and know exactly who you are, why you’re pursuing this field, where you want to act and what makes you unforgettable.

And lastly, never believe someone when they say they will make you a star, especially if there is money or sexual favors in exchange. There are many of them out there who are waiting to pounce on your innocence and will use their positions in the industry as bait. Your time will come if you take the time to develop not just your talent but your outlook on show business. Do it for the right reasons if you must be an artist and remember it is not money or fame that should drive you but the undying devotion to showcase humanity to the rest of the world.

You may tweet the author at @gtongi for questions or comments on this article.

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