Has James found Miss Right, at last?

BREAKING NEWS 1: Yes, hopefully, James Yap has finally found Miss Right who happens to be not from showbiz, contrary to rumors linking him to a few actresses, among them Isabel Oli, now John Prats’ girlfriend who insisted, rightly after all, that she and James are only friends because they are both Bisaya.

According to a Funfare VDPA (Very Deep Penetration Agent), the girl who has caught James’ fancy (and won his heart?) is a ‘very beautiful Italian,’ daughter of an expat based in Manila.

Proof that James is serious with the girl?

Well, days before his 32nd birthday last Feb. 15, James flew to Italy to visit the girl...and to propose to her?

The VDPA shook his head.

Well, we should be happy for James who claimed to have been loveless since he broke up with his wife Kris Aquino who is also a self-confessed loveless (but is said to have found a boyfriend whose identity she promised to keep secret, but until when?).

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