Breaking down Christmas

Christmas intensifies the traffic exponentially

Christmas is a season of love, happiness, positivity and all those cheery adjectives that you can think of. In reality, however, it does have its low points. I figured that since Christmas is just around the corner, I might as well break things down and try to reflect on what Christmas means to me at this point in my life. I’ll try to list down things that I like and dislike about my 2012 holiday season and let’s see where it all adds up.

No work (Like)

We can all relate to this one! Sure, some of us are workaholics, others really just enjoy their jobs and as for myself, I actually fall under both categories! But, nobody can ever underestimate the importance of some rest, relaxation and time away from the daily grind of work. We may sometimes take vacation days for granted, but they are important and should be used wisely. The Christmas season is a great time to recharge so I’m taking it to heart and unwinding throughout the holidays.

Giving and receiving presents (Like)

Receiving gifts was the best part when I was younger but I realized that giving gifts is just as fulfilling! It’s always nice to be able to put a smile on the faces of our loved ones, especially if we put so much thought in the presents we buy for them. Just recently, I got my family a brown toy Poodle named Yogi and I’m proud to say that they all loved him — including my oldest brother who doesn’t even like dogs very much.

Christmas Lights (Like)

Yes, I do appreciate Christmas lights and there’s a slight sentimental reason as to why I love seeing them everywhere during the holidays. My Dad used to manufacture Christmas lights when he was still around (Illuminada was the brand) and it’s something that will always be connected to him. At one point, SM Megamall, Meralco and the whole Ateneo campus were decked in my Dad’s Christmas lights!

Family reunions (Like)

I’m 24 and in my life, I’ve had 23 complete family reunions during Christmas — and you can add one more this year! It’s a perfect batting average and it gets better every year! We have games, programs and dance instructors to keep me and my 40-plus other cousins busy so you can imagine how Christmas with the Daez family can be chaotic but extremely fun.

Cold weather (Like)

I know it’s still hot in the Philippines but in fairness, there is a slight chill in the air whenever the “ber” months come around. It’s a nice change in weather and makes way for cooler heads. Sometimes, the heat can really just make everyone grumpy so the cool weather helps put everybody in a better mood especially me.

Cheery Pinoys everywhere (Like)

We really are an emotional bunch and it definitely shows during Christmas! Everybody has a slight hop to their step and everyone is feeling a little bit more generous than usual. Our emotions may get the best of us sometimes but during Christmas, it’s a big reason why it’s more fun in the Philippines.

Christmas bonus (Like)

Money matters and we will never get around that fact, which is exactly why Christmas bonuses are a huge help during the holidays. How are we going to buy all the fiesta food and extra presents without a little monetary help? All those bonuses at work go a long way to help everyone relax. For the record, however, actors don’t get bonuses —from my experience at least! Oh, well.

Traffic!!! (Dislike)

To make it clear, I hate traffic to its very core!!! It is the bane of my existence and it is horrible and unbelievable that the Christmas season actually intensifies this problem exponentially. Three hours from Quezon City to Makati and another three hours going back home. How can anybody not despise this glaring kill joy?! This particular Christmas hiccup might even be enough to topple everything good about the holidays! But okay, I’m being dramatic but it really is a huge pain to go through Christmas traffic in the Philippines. (I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here. Peace.)

Shopping rush (Dislike)

Shopping is really fun, especially if you’ve saved up a lot or received a hefty bonus. What isn’t fun is going to the mall and feeling like EDSA revolution is happening all over again! With all the huge malls popping around the country, I’m surprised Filipinos still manage to crowd them during Christmas! To put it bluntly, long lines and out of stock items are not fun.

Gifting dilemmas (Dislike)

Trying to get your hands on a gift is difficult enough in the Philippines because we tend to shop like it’s the end of the world during Christmas, but it is worse when we can’t even decide on what gift to give. I felt this the most this year. I wanted to give so many people gifts and realized I had no idea what to give them. Of course, I wanted to give them something they liked but it’s so difficult giving each and every person something unique. Eventually, I just wrote them personal notes to spice up my gifts to them.


Seven likes and three dislikes mean that happiness is a runaway winner during the Christmas season. However, it is important for me to note that I could have easily given traffic a heavier weight but I’ll stick with this cheery result instead (can’t seem to forgive traffic that easily). On this happy ending, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope that you all enjoy the holiday season.

(For any comments, suggestions or Christmas wishes, e-mail me at You can also follow me on Twitter @mikaeldaez.)

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