Jumpstarting the campaign

The peace sign has always been my go-to wacky pose for years. I’m not sure if it came about naturally or from subconsciously being influenced by the surge of Korean pop culture in the country, but it really stuck and I don’t plan on changing it anytime soon. Besides, I think it’s reflective of my non-confrontational personality and now, there’s even less reason to change it. Coincidentally, I was recently chosen to be a peace ambassador for the Office of the President. It’s a pleasantly unexpected turn of events but also something for me to get excited about because of the great opportunity it allows me.

When I was first asked to be part of the campaign, I actually didn’t believe it and thought that there was a mix-up because I did not recall signing up for such a project. To my surprise, I was handpicked by the OPAPP to be a part of it and they went on to explain the details of being a peace ambassador. When the details had sunk in, I found myself elated to be part of the I am for Peace campaign. Not only was it a privilege to be acknowledged and handpicked by a government office, but it is an honor to be able to help the country in any way possible.

The very first event was our inauguration as peace ambassadors. I wasn’t aware of how inaugurations typically went and I actually had to excuse myself from taping just to attend it but it was well worth the experience. It was held at the Office of the President in Malacañang and it was my first time to see the place. I have to say, being able to see our President’s workplace was more than enough to make my jaw drop simply because of its significance but also because it looked amazing. I entered the office and it looked less like a working space and more like the dining hall in the Harry Potter movies. The place was cavernous and had the biggest chandeliers I had ever seen in my life!

Moving back to the topic, the venue and the people in it, also told me that this campaign I had been chosen for was no small-time project. There were hundreds of people from various industries and I could tell that this new peace campaign was going to be a huge undertaking.

During the inauguration, I felt extremely grateful not just for the chance to be a part of the project, but also because it was an experience I would not soon forget. I never saw myself participating in a campaign like this when I was younger so every detail of it was fascinating for me. You can add to the fact that I was seated beside apl.de.ap and I was completely starstruck by his presence. For the very few who do not know him, he is a Filipino member of the iconic band Black Eyed Peas but more notably, a great citizen who has set up multiple charity programs to help the less fortunate Filipino children and families. I was in awe just sitting beside him but of course, I tried to play it cool. I shook his hand, introduced myself, but really wished I could’ve just whipped out my camera and flashed a peace sign right beside him. On a more important note, I actually look up to him for the way he has pushed Filipinos to strive for better lives through his campaigns. Just knowing that I was participating in the same project as such an accomplished and giving person in apl.de.ap was inspiring enough and got me even more excited to actively take part in the peace campaign.

After digesting the whole experience during the inauguration, the following weeks also led to several meetings about what our responsibilities were as ambassadors. Being part of the entertainment industry, we were tapped primarily to raise awareness for the whole campaign. The strength and effectiveness of the project will be based on how much of the general public it can mobilize. With that, going through people in entertainment is a great way to spread the word as quickly as possible.

Over the next few months, we will be having more events and seminars to jumpstart the campaign. Part of the schedule is for us to visit conflicted areas in and out of the Philippines so we can get a better and clearer understanding of what problems this campaign seeks to resolve. After that, by pooling our resources together, we are planning to create projects that will actively engage the general public in participating in the campaign. It’s gotten really exciting because all the ambassadors have so much to give and there is so much potential to be tapped. From possible mini-concerts, short film collaborations to other activities, there is so much that can be done to engage Filipinos everywhere to be involved in propagating peace.

Personally, I’m getting more and more interested in my work with the I am for Peace campaign because the results are tremendous. The country is off to a great start given that the framework agreement with the MILF was just signed. We are currently planning our awareness projects for next year and if results can keep coming this quickly, I think great things can happen for this country.

(For more updates on our activities for the I am for Peace campaign, follow their account on Twitter @iamforpeacePH. Follow me on Twitter also @mikaeldaez. For comments and suggestions, e-mail me at mikael.daez@yahoo.com.)


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