Tambayan 101.9 names the summer's hotties

MANILA, Philippines - Summer is not over without ABS-CBN’s FM station Tambayan 101.9 finding the hottest summer bods in its annual Hot Bodies Search. Amber Asuncion was declared winner as she exuded sex appeal and strutted on stage. As the grand winner, Amber took home P30,000 cash prize. Abbyjun Dizor was first runner-up, while Lorraine Velasco was second runner-up. Meanwhile, Aira Espino was voted by most Tambayers and won the Texter’s Choice award. The annual search was part of Tambayan 101.9 recently-held Summer Eyeball at the Amana Waterpark Resort, where 100 lucky Tambayers were selected and treated to an afternoon of fun, entertainment and music. They also got to bond with their favorite Tambayan 101.9 Bugoy Drilon serenaded the crowd with his hits while all-girl group P.Y.T. brought the house down in its sing-and-dance performance. Tambayan 101.9 DJs also showcased their talents as DJs Ronald Duck and Bea grooved on stage while DJs Arnold Rei and Casie gave their rendition of the classic love song Cruisin’. Despite the downpour of rain, the event still turned out to be a success.

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