Anna Banana: New Internet sensation

Mama Berns and son Derek Lorenzo

MANILA, Philippines - Social media is all abuzz lately as talks about “the cute 13-year old boy with the YouTube video” were passed on to thousands of viewers from last week alone. The boy is none other than Derek Lorenzo, budding singer/rapper who posted a video of himself performing a surprisingly catchy tune now known as the Anna Banana song. Close to 500,000 hits later and with Anna Banana trending on Twitter, we’re this close to seeing another Internet star take over.

What the current Internet sensation has in common with other success stories in the past is that it’s part inspiration (Anna Banana is a song written to impress a certain girl in school), and a whole lot of perspiration. Because while it certainly took a lot for Derek to muster up enough courage to put his video out there, it took just as much from his mother, who did an incredible amount of work behind the scenes, to get people to take notice of the video in the first place. Way before kids started uploading their own Anna Banana videos on YouTube, and before anyone realized just how favorable the song is for LSS, Mama Berns was making sure to view Derek’s own clip multiple times on her own while blogging, tweeting and even doing DJ call-ins to get the word out that there’s a new star in town.

Just like Mama Berns, many moms take pride in their kids’ achievements and support them relentlessly because family is their priority. Even if it means having to play online games with them, watch their videos on YouTube, or share content about their milestones through social networks. To keep the connection strong, they make use of their PLDT myDSL high speed plans of up to 10MBPS at home to support their kids the best way and every way they can.

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