Garie's and other sweet girl sounds

Garie Concepcion is one lucky girl. At a time when high production costs and a diminishing CD market are forcing music producers to cut costs, hereabouts, she gets to make her debut with a full production. Her album titled Relaks Lang Tayo has 13 original Filipino songs and as bonus tracks, music minus ones of Totoo, Bilib Ako Sa ‘Yo and the title song. It is clear that manager Backroom, Inc. and producer Star Records are both confident that she can deliver at least one or two hit singles from the CD. 

Garie is short for Gabrielle Marie. She is 23 years old and is the daughter of actor Gabby Concepcion and Grace Ibuna. She holds an AB degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management from La Salle St. Benilde. She had wanted to be a singer ever since she was a little girl but adhered to her mother’s desire that she finish college first before venturing into show business. She made sure she had no time lost after that and went into the recording studio right after graduation.

Relaks Lang Tayo by Concepcion was produced by industry veteran Margot Gallardo. It is made up of songs with lyrics written by Edith Gallardo, who also wrote Pagdating Ng Panahon for Aiza Seguerra, Pakisabi Na Lang for the Company and Ngayon Bukas Kahapon for Sarah Geronimo. Aside from Margot and Edith, Garie also got the chance to record songs composed by big names like Louie Ocampo, Ogie Alcasid and Moy Ortiz of The CompanY.

The songs are mostly light ballads with a positive message, the sort that young people like Garie prefer to listen to. The first single out is Relaks Lang Tayo written by Edith and former Neocolors drummer Nino Regalado. It is about being cool in the midst of surrounding bedlam. Relaks makes for a strong introduction for Garie, but the song I like better is Walang Sandaling Di Kita Minahal, a torch ballad of the kind that sentimental Pinoys enjoy listening to.

The other cuts included are Baby You Are, Totoo, Tayo Pala, Mula Ngayon, Bilib Ako Sa ‘Yo, Just Like Always, Mahal Na Mahal, Kasi Nga Wala Ka, What If It’s You, Inspirasyon and Walang Sandaling Di Kita Minahal. The only oldie cover is I Can, a composition by Louie and Edith. This was first used as the theme song of the movie Do Re Mi, where it was performed by Donna Cruz, Regine Velasquez and Mikee Cojuangco.

More sweet girl sounds. YouTube sensation Marie Digby has gone Filipino. The Japanese-American singer-songwriter credited with turning Rihanna’s Umbrella into a slow acoustic ballad has recorded an album in the Philippines. Could this be because the rumors are saying she is dating actor Sam Milby? Maybe. But true or not, she makes a pretty presence and I like it that she has included a song by a local composer and has duets with Filipino singers in the album.

Your Love by Digby includes I Think I’m In Love which was written by Cecile Azarcon and originally recorded by Kuh Ledesma. It was nice to hear the classic get that soft acoustic vibe. Then she sings I Do, one of her new works, as a duet with Jericho Rosales and has a reprise of the title cut that she also wrote, with Milby. There are also Swoon, Loving You Is Easy, and her breakthrough hits re-released on this album Say It Again and the acoustic Umbrella. For girls around who want to sing like Marie, the CD also includes music minus one tracks.

Speaking of acoustic sounds, the sweet-voiced Sabrina continues her conquest of Asia as her latest album I Love Acoustic 4 turns Gold in Indonesia. I am sure that she is now looking on to Platinum sales within the next few months because all her previous I Love Acoustic releases also went Platinum in Indonesia plus also in Thailand and Singapore. Because of this success, Sabrina is now known as Asia’s Acoustic Sweetheart, who constantly bests global pop stars like Adele and Girls Generation. 

 I Love Acoustic 4 is quite a bargain with 17 cuts. Highlights are, Saranghae from the original soundtrack of the popular TV show Perfect Match and two duets, Just The Way You Are with Calvin Jeremy and Lucky with the swinging Richard Poon. It is nice to see Poon return to his roots as an acoustic folkie with this cut. In case you do not know, Poon, some years ago, was a member of the acoustic trio U-Turn. Then there are Sabrina’s usual acoustic stuff that other Asian countries cannot seem to get enough of: Price Tag, Who Says, Edge Of Glory, On The Floor, Moves Like Jagger, California King Bed, Rolling In The Deep, The Lazy Song, Back To December, That Should Be Me, Marry Me and others.

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