Solenn is 2012 Ginebra calendar girl

Photos  by VER  PAULINO

MANILA, Philippines - Ginebra San Miguel formally introduced its 2012 Calendar Girl, Solenn Heussaff, to the media during GSMI’s press launch last Nov. 14 at the Cocoon Boutique Hotel in Quezon City.

The tall and alluring Celebrity Survivor Philippines finalist and multi-talented video actress/host was the hands-down choice for the much sought-after calendar because of her distinct accomplishments yet down-to-earth attitude. “Despite her stature and popularity, Solenn is still able to relate to people from all walks of life,” said Ginebra VP for marketing Nelson Elises. “She’s much like our flagship brand Ginebra San Miguel. Though the product has been around for more than 100 years, and has earned numerous international awards, it has still remained relevant and is still very much patronized by our core market.”

The Ginebra San Miguel calendars come in five versions of Solenn striking eye-catching poses ala-Survivor series. Each calendar spotlights Ginebra San Miguel’s line of world-class products like its flagship Ginebra San Miguel variants; GSM Blue and GSM flavors; and Gran Matador Brandy Solera and Light variants. Two other versions parade the company’s total line of liquor products.

GSMI tapped multi-awarded celebrity photographer Mark Nicdao for the shoots ably backed by a high-caliber creative team to bring out the desired impact and effect. Mark was also responsible for the memorable Anne Curtis photos used in the company’s 2011 Ginebra calendars.

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