Lyn Ching loves young adult stories

MANILA, Philippines - Lyn Ching-Pascual is making sure she will pass on her passion for reading to her two kids, Gaby and Matty.

The National Book Development Board’s (NBDB) celebrity reading endorser is a mainstay of the NBDB’s storytelling events. She is happy that at an early age Gaby is also starting to show her passion for books. During the Children’s Book Day celebration in 2010, Gaby joined her Mom in the NBDB’s storytelling event at SM Megamall and the mother-and-daughter tandem read Yummy Fly Pie before a delighted audience composed of young students.

Reading in the Pascual household is a family affair. Lyn herself has been collecting books since she was a teenager, and now Gaby herself has a mini library of her own, composed of her favorite books such as the Geronimo Stilton series and her collection of Adarna books.

Younger brother Matty, 3, is also beginning to show interest in books. According to Lyn, Matty loves listening to the Thomas and Friends books and Disney’s Cars book editions. “I want them to get the hang of reading for others. I want them to read to each other. Bata pa lang sila may mga libro na sila. Gaby started reading at the age of three.”

As for her own reading list, Lyn says that at present, she’s also hooked on young adult fiction such as Rick Riordan’s The Heroes of Olympus and The Percy Jackson series, and Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments, and Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series.

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