Stardev offers performers workshops

MANILA, Philippines - This summer, Stardev Music Studio offers two programs that train aspirants to become professional performers who can sing, dance and act on stage.

Stardev’s training builds up self-confidence that separates professionals from star performers.

A performer who can move and dance on stage, exuding personality, charisma, confidence and character demanded by the song is the ideal talent whose gifts need to be honed through the Stardev’s Total Performer Workshop.

The course includes training in singing, dancing and acting.

Stardev is also offering a program called Acoustic Performer that will train individuals in voice and playing of either the guitar or the piano, or both.

The program motivates creativity and expression of oneself that could inspire writing songs and making music in the future.

Educator-singer Michelle Nikki Junia said the biggest names in music not only had the talent but gone through rigorous training to hone their skills to become total performers.

Stardev and Musikgarten are located at the second floor of Paragon Plaza Bldg., 162 EDSA cor. Reliance St., Mandaluyong City. For details, call 470-6277, 542-4882 or 0918-9069395.

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