Colin opposes cleaning up King's speech

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The King’s Speech might be cleaning up its language, but star Colin Firth (photo) does not like the idea.

After winning the Best Actor Oscar for the title role in the British monarchy saga, Firth said backstage that he opposes the prospect of a PG-13 version of The King’s Speech, which would alter a pivotal cussing scene that earned the film an R rating for language.

“I don’t take this stuff lightly, but in the context of this film, it could not be more edifying, more appropriate. It’s not vicious, it’s not an insult or it’s not in any of the contexts which might offend people,” Firth said.

The film stars Firth as stammering King George VI, whose angry swearing fit helps him momentarily overcome his speech problem.

“Really, it’s about a man who’s trying to free himself through the use of certain words,” Firth said. “I still haven’t met the person who would object, so I think the film should stand as it is.”

The Weinstein Co., the film’s distributor, has considered releasing a PG-13 version, which potentially could open it up to a wider audience.

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