More than just a brand

We women can do more things than we can possibly imagine. God endowed us with great gifts that we can use to become better individuals in the society. I have always viewed myself as a woman with a strong character. I know I have to stand unmoved despite the great challenges I had to go through. Believing in myself and in what I can do served as my pillars of strength during tough times. If we know that we are strong and we have the determination to succeed, we can be an inspiration to other people. We can make them realize their worth as individuals.

I got a full grasp of what women empowerment really is when I was chosen one of Cream Silk’s Empowered Filipinas. It is an honor for me to belong to this list and I know I will do my best to make more women discover that they can do better things and they can be more daring. As Cream Silk’s newest ambassador, I was able to get exposed to their different activities. It was only then that I discovered that Cream Silk has its own Women Empowerment Program. It is an effort that enables women who have the potential but are hindered by the lack of opportunities to succeed against all odds. In line with this, they launched their scholarship program in 2008 which aims to provide scholarship grants to female college students enrolled in male-dominated courses like Engineering and Agriculture. Presently, there are 96 Cream Silk scholars enrolled at UP and PUP.

With (from left) Cream Silk senior brand manager Vic Gutierrez and marketing manager for hair Anna Mangilin.

During our media launch, I got the opportunity to meet some of the scholars. They had similar experiences as mine because I was also a college scholar and I had to overcome a lot of trials before I finished my degree. I admire their dedication to strive harder to achieve their goals. They are also exceptional women because they are enrolled in male-dominated courses. This only proves that women are strong, powerful and skillful. We can push ourselves to the limit and emerge victorious in the end. Nothing is impossible if we believe in our talents and cultivate them as we study and learn new things. All we need to have is the perseverance and focus to do better things that will lead us to the fulfillment of our goals and dreams. I am happy that Cream Silk is helping many young women to challenge themselves and do more difficult things. If we are able to surpass hard battles, we can feel a different sense of fulfillment; it is like we are vindicated from all the bad things that happened to us.

That’s me with Tricia during Cream Silk’s women empowerment event

I am proud to be part of Cream Silk’s Women Empowerment Program. It has been my dream to help other people who had almost the same experiences as mine. I hope in my own little way to touch their lives and make a small yet meaningful difference. Long before I became an endorser of Cream Silk, I was already using their products so it was not difficult for me to talk about what I represent. It was not hard for me to connect with my target audience because I am not endorsing a product, I am also using it. This did not only give me the opportunity to make my dream of being a commercial model come true but it also made me a tool to inspire and make many young women realize that we have the power to succeed in life. This only proves that Cream Silk does not only provide long beautiful hair to Filipina women but it also aims to give them better lives by giving them scholarship opportunities. This is what true empowerment is; you empower people not just by inspiring them but by doing something for them.

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