A thumbs up for cabin crew's dance routine

MANILA, Philippines - A national tourism organization has recognized the effort of an airline company to give spice to routine flights by innovating on the way cabin crew demonstrates safety procedures.

“The flight attendants were able to get passengers’ attention and interest because of their entertaining moves as they demonstrate safety instructions,” said Dr. Robert Lim Joseph, chairman emeritus of the League of Tourism Students of the Philippines (LTSP) and the Travel Cooperative of the Philippines.

Joseph was referring to the now controversial dance routine of flight attendants of Cebu Pacific which was uploaded on YouTube.

Joseph took exception to charges by some sectors that the flight attendants’ dance routine was demeaning to the cabin crew and sexist.

“On the contrary, the message was that it shows the country as fun-loving, caring and creative. The dance routine was a refreshing novelty to a rather monotonous demonstration of safety procedures,” he said.

He said Cebu Pacific’s innovation has brought a lot of goodwill to the country. “As shown by the round of applause from passengers, it means patrons are receptive to new ideas. And based on feedback that we got, people are now considering Cebu Pacific in their next flight.”

He noted that the flight attendants were dressed in T-shirts with collar and pants, thus ensuring that they would look respectable and discourage sexist comments from passengers.

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