Internet star to enter showbiz

MANILA, Philippines - A hot new Pinoy Internet star continues the grand tradition started by Dolphy with his character Facifica Falayfay, followed by Roderick Paulate’s gay characters. He is Bekimon, (real name: Bern Josep Persia), the comedy whiz who has captivated a million YouTube viewers in the past two months.

The appeal of Bekimon’s humor rests not only in the use of gay lingo, but in how he brilliantly spoofs the meeting of gay culture and mainstream culture with hilarious results. Not surprisingly, Bekimon, like Dolphy and Roderick, is taking his act through the showbiz route.

Bekimon refers to the Internet video star Bekimon himself, and the strange, hilariously entertaining use of gay lingo. Bekimon uses hardcore gay language that proves dizzying to the listener, even other gays — and he can get his audience laughing out loud, even if they’re not fluent in the Bekimon language.

For example, in one YouTube Bekimon clip, Mudak Bekimon (mudak means mother in Bekimon language) sends this message to her son’s teacher:

“Dear Teacheraka:

“Kumustasa kalabasa? Keri ka lang ba?

“Bet kong ipagsabi sayets na wititit makakapasok sa iskulembang si Junakis ngayonchi.”

If you’re not familiar with gay lingo, you can check the clip (with translations) on YouTube by typing the title “Mudak Bekimon’s Excuse Letter for Junakis – Dear Teacheraka.”

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