Body Talk with Christian Bautista

With Carmen Soo in his music video for Afraid for Love to Fade (revival of the Jose Mari Chan hit)

For a new summer look. An image upgrade. An edgier appeal.

Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the factors that made the usually conservative, wholesome, sweet and virginal Christian Bautista shed his clothes but not (yet anyway!) his pants.

“I need to project a mature image naman,” said Christian who has just come back last week from Indonesia where he promoted his album of Bahasa songs (including Please Be Careful With My Heart, his duet with Indonesian pop singer Bunga Citra Lestari). “The Indonesians love Filipino music.”

Christian might go back there in June or July to do a concert and a movie, with a possible side trip to Malaysia and Singapore for more album promo.

Meanwhile, he has just renewed his contract with ABS-CBN, putting to rest the speculation that he’s jumping ober da bakod to another network.

“Working at ABS-CBN is like working with family and friends. I enjoy the people that I work with.”

So how did he prepare for his first ever “bold” pictorial?

“I worked out in Gold’s Gym every week.”

And what would make him go even “bolder” and more “daring”?

“To upgrade my image even more, and to be ready and prepared for the new challenges ahead.”

A Libran (Oct. 19, 1981), Christian stands 5’11”; weighs 160 lbs.; and wears medium -sized shirt, medium-sized briefs and size-11 shoes.

Correct me if my memory fails, but didn’t you tell me in an interview that you suffered from polio when you were a kid? How has the illness affected your posture?

“It wasn’t polio. But I needed to wear leg braces when I was a kid. Because of the right therapy and sports activities I was able to beat it!”

Is your physical activity such as workout/exercise limited because of that?

“Not anymore!”

What workout do you do?

“Right now, with the right regimen I can do any kind of physical workout.”

What part of your body needs improvement?

“My legs. I need to work on it more.”

What part is most vulnerable?

“I have to watch my lower back; my family has a history of low-back problems. I need to strengthen it with more leg work and abdominal exercises.”

What part is your favorite?

“My arms. They were made for lifting heavy burdens, embracing obstacles and holding important people close to my heart. Hahahahaha!”

What part of a girl’s body do you look at first?

“The face, it shows a person’s entire personality. You can tell what a person is like just by studying the face.”

And what part do you try not to look at?

“Her ________(fill in the blank).”

What kind of diet do you follow?

“High-protein, low-carb diet. Need to put on a little more weight and yet maintain the lean figure.”

What’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Do you take snacks in-between?

“For breakfast — eggs, bacon and bread. For lunch — steak and mashed potato. For dinner — seafood (crabs and tuna panga) and gulay. For snacks, well, it depends on the location — chips, Spanish bread, banana cue, isaw, Betamax, chicken feet? Whatever!”

Food that you always crave for?


Favorite fruit?


Favorite vegetable?


How much water do you take each day?

“Eight glasses and some water in the shower when I’m taking a bath half-asleep. Hahahahaha!”

What vitamins do you take?

“Multivitamins and vitamin C. Plus, yakapsule and kissperin. Hahahahaha!”

Soda, coffee, juice or tea?

“Soda, after playing basketball; coffee, for social events; juice, when I am on a plane; and tea, after eating Chinese food.”

Do you have a sweet tooth?

“Yes! In fact, I’m eating chocolates while answering your questions.”

How much sleep do you get per night?

“An average of six to eight hours depending on the timezone.”

Are you a pillow person?

“Yes. I need three pillows. One for my head, one for my legs and another one which I hug.”

Favorite sleep wear?

“Shirt and boxers.”

Do you ever sleep in the nude?

“Tried it. Not advisable near insect-filled areas.”

Do you snore?

“Yes, I was told that I do especially after an exhausting day.”

Do you talk in your sleep?

“When I have a lot of things on my mind. The girl on a 4 a.m. ‘red eye’ flight with me in the US told me that I snored.”

Do you sleepwalk?

“I sleepdance. Hahahahaha!”

Last thing that you do before you go to sleep.


First thing that you do when you wake up.


Have you ever experienced a wet dream?


How do you cope with stress?

“Massage! Movies! Music! Meditation! Sports! Computer games!”

Favorite hideaway?

“Can’t tell you; you might find it.”

Favorite city.

“Cavite City!”

How often do you see your doctor (last checkup)?

“I injured my back two months ago from wake-boarding, playing golf and basketball for three days straight.”

How is your love life? (Any girlfriend now?)

“Too busy...”

And your sex life?

“Too busy...”

Name three women you think have nice bodies...

“Georgina Wilson. Cristine Reyes. Eugene Domingo.”

And three men...

“Lou Ferigno. Brad Pitt. Brod Pete (hahahahaha!)”

Using only body language, how would you make a woman know that you admire her?

“By eye-to-eye contact, mixed with a killer smile.”

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