The son Ric Segreto left behind

MANILA, Philippines - I met Darby when he was only two years old. I was the first manager of his father, Ric Segreto, who wanted me to meet his son. I remember being so surprised that the Ric Segreto I knew was a loving father. Not that Ric was not a wonderful person; just that he was not the “Daddy” type to me. Was I ever so wrong.

They were in Manila for a visit, just the two of them. They (Ric, his wife Erica and Darby) were living in Guam at the time. Erica was a flight attendant and they were able to travel to the Philippines for free. I never saw a father so in love with his son. Ric’s eyes would follow Darby so adoringly. Darby looked like an angel, too — such a cherubic little boy with golden curls that made such an impression on me, so when Ric passed away so suddenly 12 years ago this September, I wept for his son. They were so far away in The Netherlands. (where he and his mother relocated to) I always wondered over these past years whatever happened to the beloved boy. 

As fate works wondrous things... two years ago, I got a phone message out of the blue from a lady named “Erica from The Netherlands” and my so effecient help remembered to relay in her text to me — “and Darby” — asking for a return call to a Malate pension. That was the magic name — “Darby”.

I knew instantly it was Ric’s son. I called back right away. I was so happy that they found me after all these years. We had lunch and Erica explained that she had always planned to take Darby back when he got older to introduce his father’s country to him and get re-acquainted with the people who knew and loved him. Darby told me that he remembered reading an article years ago where I was interviewed and did say that I felt for the son so far away — who would never know the father who loved him so — which was why he sought me out. Funny how words spoken can sometimes miraculously find the people they were meant for.

I felt so much like I found Ric again. Since Kuh (Ledesma) was also a good friend of Ric’s, I asked Darby and Erica if they would like to meet her and, of course, they wanted to. Everything was quickly arranged and a meeting was set at a restaurant in Greenbelt 5. 

They were here for two weeks, one week spent in Palawan, a day trip to Malasiqui, Pangasinan (Ric’s father’s hometown where Ric has a mango farm), days exploring Metro Manila and visiting with Ric’s brother and family. They also explored Banaue and Sagada. Ric had always liked going on road trips.

When they got back from going around, I invited them to stay with me. Two strangers from far away who I felt were long-lost relatives. After all, Ric was like family. He helped me start my management company by being one of my first contract artists. I felt it only natural to welcome his family into my home. I told them both that they should always feel like they have a home in Manila. No more “pensions” for them if they decide to come back for a visit. And I have the same invitation should I ever find myself in The Netherlands where they still reside.

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