Sarah for Joy

Lookalikes Sarah Geronimo and Quezon City vice mayoralty candidate Joy Belmonte during their first meeting. Sarah is endorsing Joy’s candidacy.

What happens when virtual twins Sarah Geronimo and Quezon City vice mayoralty bet Joy Belmonte (Q.C. Vice Mayor Herbert Bautista’s running mate) finally meet?

Both shy and reserved, the lookalikes simply swap “Hi’s!”, press each other’s hands in warm handshake and try to “feel” each other.

“I was actually starstruck,” said Joy. “I’m a Sarah fan and that’s how fans react when they see their idol in person, right?”

The merienda getting-to-know-you meeting happened at the coffee shop of EDSA Shangri-La where Sarah’s endorsement of Joy’s candidacy was sealed, witnessed by Viva Group of Companies big boss Vic del Rosario Jr. and his son Vincent and Joy’s Kuya Miguel, President/CEO of this paper.

“Sarah is what I always expected,” added Joy, “sweet, well-mannered, magalang and soft-spoken with quiet, winning ways.”

Joy might as well be describing herself. Like Sarah who keeps a cool front even when confronted with malicious, often unfounded, issues, never breathing a harsh word, Joy has maintained a positive style of campaigning way above some of her opponents who use the muckraking/mudslinging below-the-belt tactic.

“I don’t want to ruin the good name of my parents,” smiled Joy, referring to incumbent Q.C. Mayor Sonny Belmonte (who’s running for congressman in the Fourth District of the same city) and the late Betty Go-Belmonte (for whom a street in Q.C. was named), this paper’s founding chairman.

It won’t be the virtual twins’ first meeting. Sarah will join some of Joy’s campaign sorties. Other Sarah diehards around Quezon City are invited to cheer them right on!

Why veep and not senator

During open forums with students, Edu Manzano (Gibo Teodoro’s running mate under the administration’s Lakas-Kampi-CMD) is always asked why he switched from the senatorial to the vice presidential race.

His stock answer: “I have a military background which would be valuable in strengthening our armed forces. I served in the US Army as head of the Quality Control and Evaluation (QC&E) of the Missile Engineering Group, Strategic Air Command, United States of America Air Force.”

His late mother, Rosario Barrios, citizen of the Philippine Commonwealth, was certified as performing meritorious service during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines from April 1942 to February 1945. The President of the USA authorized by Executive Order July 6, 1946, awarded a Medal of Honor to Edu’s mom.

His father, Adrian Manzano, was also certified by George Rowe, Commanding Officer of a special Intelligence Party, SWPA, as having served under his direct command as a Civilian Intelligence Agent from early October 1944 to the deactivation of Rowe’s command in April 1945. The SWPA originally landed by submarine on Mindoro in July 1944.

“I’m proud of my parents’ war record,” said Edu.

On the impression that Gibo is “okay” — he has integrity, he is focused, he has conviction, etc. — but is hindered by his association with PGMA, Edu said, “My opinion is that any administration will have a stigma because you can never satisfy the people completely kaya kahit sino pa ang uupo, whether taga-administration or wherever, people will always find something wrong. In the case of Gibo, I very plainly state that I’m voting for Gibo, I’m not voting for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo because she’s not the one running for president.”

And the perception that Gibo is beholden to PGMA because of utang na loob?

“Ikaw ang presidente, would you allow yourself to be manipulated?

You can only put utang na loob so far; you don’t pay back utang na loob with the welfare of the people at stake. I believe that Gibo will be true to his words.”

Edu had to sacrifice his love life for his political ambition. Before he announced his candidacy, Edu broke up with ABS-CBN newscaster Pinky Webb who would have been forced to quit her job to avoid being accused of partiality, just as Korina Sanchez did when her husband Sen. Mar Roxas decided to run for vice president (with Sen. Noynoy Aquino as running mate).

Since then (early November last year), Edu and Pinky have no communication, not even how-are-you calls or texting.

Briefly noted

• Beauty-watcher Gerry Diaz (a BDO exec) reports that three Bicolana beauties have made it to this year’s Bb. Pilipinas pageant — Patricia Santos, Diane Necio and Venus Raj. A Business Administration sophomore at the Bicol University (Legaspi City), Patricia was 2009 Miss Bicolandia. A sophomore at the University of Saint Anthony in Iriga City, Diane was 2009 Miss Iriga City. A journalism cum laude graduate, also from Bicol University, Venus was second runner-up in the 2007 Miss Bicolandia contest and represented Legaspi in the 2009 Miss Philippine-Earth contest where she was named Miss Eco-Tourism. Other Bicolanas who have lately figured prominently in the Bb. Pilipinas contest were 2007 Miss Bicolandia Tabetha Cricke and Melody Gersbach (of Legaspi City), 2009 Bb. Pilipinas-International.

• Stressed out? Try to wind up at Better Care Pain Clinic headed by Dr. Edwin Falconi. Services offered include Medical Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture, Myotherapy, Soft Tissue Mobilization (Graston Technique), Rehabilitation Medicine, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic. Jojo Gabinete swears that the services are effective. The clinic is located at 19-21 Platinum Bldg., lst Street corner Gilmore Avenue, New Manila, Quezon City. For inquiries, call 724-0986 or 724-0987, Globe celfon 0917-5093910 or Smart celfon 0922-8711659.

• Abel Acosta (Tony Patawaran in real life) is running for vice mayor of Baliuag, Bulacan under an independent group, according to his friend Vir Gonzales. Abel plays an important role in Carlo J. Caparas’ Pangarap Kong Jackpot on NBN Channel 4, 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. He’s shown below (extreme left) with co-stars (from left) Manila Councilor Lou Veloso, Dexter Doria and Don Umali.

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