Nadia deadset on losing 70 lbs. in 4 months

MANILA, Philippines - As she promised to her manager, the late Douglas Quijano, Nadia Montenegro is deadset on losing weight, targeting 70 pounds in four months with the help and guidance of Mikaela Advanced Aesthetic Clinic. According to Dr. Rochelle Mercado and Dr. Mylah Joven, used in the procedure are state-of-the-art, US-FDA-approved medical machines that perfectly remove fat out of the body and ‘years off your age without the side effects and dangers of surgery.’

Nadia, 37, mother of six, admits to being a food lover. ‘But after years of unhealthy lifestyle and of eating the most delicious food in hotels all over the world and gorging on Filipino food, I realized that I have to shed a lot of pounds so I would feel light and look good.’

Nadia ‘before’ (photo) is shown on Mikaela Advanced Aesthetic Clinic billboards all over the metropolis. Coming soon: Nadia ‘after’ — far slimmer, hopefully.

‘I will regain my life back one pound at a time, until I lose all those unwanted pounds.’

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