What makes Aiko happy

Aiko Melendez faces the movie cameras again in the comedy Spoiled Brat Whatever Yaya, the Movie produced by APT Productions and GMA Films. She is paired with former husband Jomari Yllana. This is their first team-up after almost seven years. Aiko and Jomari play the parents of Ogie Alcasid. Funnyman Michael V is the yaya. One of the “winningest” councilors of Quezon City, Aiko sends 400 students every three months to her English Proficiency Program and Basic to Advance Computer Training Program in a tie-up with Comchest Foundation. She also has a mass feeding program for depressed Quezon City communities and a medical mission every 15th and 30th of each month.

Upon arrival at the Pearly Gates, God is waiting, what is the first thing you would say?

I will thank God for the gift of life, for letting me experience the real essence of life and forgiving all my sins.

What was the nicest thing said about you?

That I have a good and big heart.

The Pope is having dinner at your place, what would you cook for him?

I will probably serve the Pope my specialty, kare-kare.

When was the last time you flirted with someone?

I can’t remember because I am in a special relationship. I am a one-man woman and I don’t look at any other man if I am with someone.

How much time do you spend in the bathroom?

When I am not pressed for time I usually spend around 45 minutes because that is also the time I wax and pluck my eyebrows.

The person you would like to see as President of the Philippines?

 I don’t have anyone in my mind at the moment. I would probably know when they start laying their real cards on the table as well as their plans for the country. For now the presidentiables are focused on building “name recall strategy.”

What would you do if an indecent proposal comes your way?

I’ve had a couple of indecent proposals but my stand is, I go for emotions and not for the money. It’s a big NO.

What is your greatest achievement?

Having my two beautiful children and playing two roles at the same time — mom and dad and best friend. My children are truly my trophies.

The worst thing you did for love? The best?

Worst thing I ever did for love was giving my whole self without leaving something for myself and in the process losing my own identity.

 How do you release your anger?

I am the type of person who hardly gets mad so I just keep the anger to myself most of the time. Once I am really mad I just cry because of frustration. What I do then is take a deep breath, give myself time to cool down so I can think with clarity.

What is your security blanket?

My family and my children. I am and will always be beautiful in their eyes. And of course the one who loves me now because of who I am — the only mayor in my life, Patrick (Meneses).

If you could be someone for a day, who would you be? Why?

 I want to be Princess Diana. I know how good she was and how colorful her life was. My dream is to be a princess.

If you were to have the body of someone whose body would it be?

 Jessica Alba. She is so hot.

What is the biggest misconception about you?

That I am mataray and I am not. I am a jolly person.

What makes you happy?

Life itself. Just the thought that you are alive and blessed are reasons to be happy.

The most beautiful person you have met?

The three Marias in my life — Gelli de Belen Rivera, Carmina Villarroel, Candy Pangilinan.

The most expensive thing you bought for yourself?

A watch.

What is your early morning ritual?

Eat breakfast, read all the newspapers, play with my kids and take a shower, then head off for whatever schedule I have for the day.

The biggest challenge you had to face?

My two failed marriages. 

This is your last night in the world, who do you want to spend it with?

 I’d spend it with my children.

If you can plan your death, how would it be?

I’d like people to remember me as someone who didn’t step on anyone’s toes and I’d like to be cremated and share the ashes with people who became a part of my life that include my family and supporters.

The best book you’ve read?

48 Laws of Power.

If you have to eliminate one emotion in your life, what would it be?

 That would be to not give my all and leave something for myself.

What is the food that is always found inside your fridge?

Royce dark chocolates that is part of my diet... the chocolate diet.

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Going out of town and getting a massage.

What would you want to hear from your guardian angel now?

I want my guardian angel to assure me that if something happens to me, he will guide and protect my family most especially my kids, Andre and Marthena.

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