What is Amy doing at the Museum?

MANILA, Philippines - Amy Adams stars with Ben Stiller in the thrilling and hilarious sequel Night at the Museum 2 as world history’s legendary, groundbreaking pilot Amelia Earheart.

The dazzling sequel finds Larry Daley (Stiller) leaving the low-paying world of guarding museums to become a sought-after inventor of Daley Devices infomercial products.

Below are excerpts from the interview with Amy:

If you could talk to Amelia, what would you ask her?

What happened to you? Where are you? I think a lot of people would ask her that. But having played her, I think I would want to know what drove her. I’ve read a lot about what she was like and how she became a pilot. She was always presented as so iconic and stoic and an early feminist and I would like to know the truth of all of it, what kind of person she actually was.

There is some romance in the movie, what happens? Do you set your sights on Ben’s Larry Daley right away when your character comes to life?

Well, I decide that we are going to have a romance earlier than he does. I do take a shine to him very early on, so I definitely make the first move, but he likes me, too.

How much action are you involved in?

The movie is very physical. We are being chased the entire time, so we are moving constantly, walking fast and running and jumping on things and hiding from the bad guys.

How has your life changed being in the limelight so much since the Oscar nomination and Enchanted and all these great accolades recently?

I don’t really know. You know I’ve been so busy working that I haven’t really had a lot of time to absorb the changes. I guess the biggest change is that I’m really busy working and I’m so happy about that and grateful.

Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian opens May 21 in theaters nationwide.

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