Vina to Borgy: How could you!?!


• It was supposed to be a hush-hush affair between two co-hosts of a popular show, until the "Sanrio factor" got in the way. For a long time, with only very few people knowing it, Jack (fictitious name) and Goldilocks (same) were having a beautiful romance. A noted (notorious?) womanizer, Jack is married to an actress while Goldilocks is, yes, gladly fancy-free. There’s no giveaway of their secret romance when they appear together in the show which also features a sexy dance group, one member of which is being courted by Jack. When Goldilocks went to Japan for a show, Jack asked her to bring home Sanrio items because, he said, they were the favorite of his grown-up daughters. Imagine Goldilocks’ pleasant shock when she saw the sexy dancer wearing the Sanrio items! She felt shortchanged! As expected, Goldilocks picked a fight with Jack. Guess who’s having the last laugh.

• Could it be true that when a young actress was hospitalized in the not-too-distant past, it was for something more "delicate" than the illness she quoted to the press? This item has to be vague because it involves a sensitive matter. But who could be the "culprit"? Is he the singer whose gender is being questioned or the debonair young actor linked to a beauty queen?

• When he was new in the industry, a Fil-Am singer used to gasp everytime he saw fans shower with gifts and goodies the starry headliners of concerts abroad he front-acted in. He thought it was S.O.P. for fans to make such "offerings." After winning in a talent search and thinking that he’s now also a big star (a "delusion," actually), he presumed that he would be accorded the same "amenities." At a recent show in L.A., he announced to the audience after he sang, "If you want to give me gifts, you may come up on stage!" No, he wasn’t kidding. How embarrassed he was when no one stood up! It was his painful collision with reality.
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Vina Morales is crying. "Foul!" and here’s why:

In yesterday’s edition of Forbidden Questions, the controversial Wednesday segment of Mo Twister’s now-much-talked-about Good Times with Mo program on Magic 89.9 (6 to 9 a.m. Monday through Thursday), guest Borgy Manotoc was put on the "hot seat" and bombarded with 40-plus "forbidden" questions.

Host Mo asked Borgy, "Name three famous women you’ve gone to bed with."

At first, the very hesitant Borgy was silent, so Mo egged him on.

Finally, Borgy named, first, Lana Asanin (the German model, now out of the country, who used to appear on Eat, Bulaga!), and then Victoria London (now also out of the country, last seen as one of Rustom Padilla’s "errand girls" on ABC 5’s The Price is Right).

And the third woman?

After much prodding from the insistent Mo, Borgy whispered to Mo who promptly screamed with glee, "Oh, it’s Vina, it’s Vina, my long-time crush!"

One lady listener, calling from her car, asked Mo who the Vina referred to was and he confirmed, "Vina Morales!"

Then, the "grilling" continued.

Mo: Is it true that you don’t wear underwear?

Borgy: Sometimes but not all the time.

Next question: There are rumors that you are uncut. True or false?

Borgy was mum.

Mo: Why don’t we ask Vina Morales?

For the information of those who can’t wake up early enough, the format of Mo’s Forbidden Questions segment is free-wheeling, no-holds-barred, and Mo’s questions usually focus on such topics as sex (gender of guest or celebrities, positions, who’s good in bed and who’s not, etc.) and ham actors/actresses, and the like.

Anyway, contacted by Funfare for her reaction, Vina was at once shocked, amused, irked and angry.

"I know Borgy. Who doesn’t know him?" said Vina. "But I’m not close to him. The farthest I came close to him was saying ‘Hi!’ That’s all. But going to bed with him? Hello!"

Crying, "Foul!", Vina now wants an "explanation" from Borgy.

"He has to clear my name," said Vina. "What he did was damaging to me. If I have to talk to his mom, Rep. Imee Marcos, to make him correct things, I will."

Mo has been saying that guests he puts on the "hot seat" may or may not answer any question they deem "incriminating." It’s a puzzle why a perceived gentleman like Borgy would kiss-and-tell, and on the air at that! He could have said, "No comment!" or not say anything at all.

"I want to make it clear that what Borgy said was not true!" repeated Vina who, as far as I know, is happily going steady with a very rich Chinese guy. "How could he!"
What’s up?
• Corrections on Funfare’s Westlife story – From reader Emrey Tash: The songs in Blue (Celine Dion’s Because You Love Me; Lonestar’s Amazed; Bryan Adam’s I’m Ready; and Maxwell’s Whenever, Wherever, Whatever) are not included in the Westlife’s new album, The Love Album... From reader Maricel Matunog: Shane Filan’s child is a she, not a he. Her name is Nicole. Nicky Byrne will soon be a dad. His wife Georgina Ahern (daughter of Ireland Prime Minister Bertie Ahern) is pregnant. The Westlife’s The Love Album went straight to No. 1 in UK and Ireland soon after its release.

• The Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters, more popularly known as the Pink Sisters, together with the Eucharistic Adorers’ League, are holding the 19th Eucharistic Congress on Saturday, Dec. 2, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the St. Joseph Convent on M. Hemady St., New Manila, QC. Registration is free. Lunch and snacks will be distributed. Participants will be provided with a Eucharistic Congress packet. With the theme "Eucharist and Deus Caritas est," the congress has lined up the following speakers: Fr. Apolinario Ty, S.S.S. (Celebrating God’s Love in the Eucharist); Fr. Catalino Arevalo, S.J. (The Eucharist and the Church) and Bishop Joel Baylon (The Eucharist and Agape). Fr. Raul Caga, SVD, will animate prayers, reflections and songs before the Blessed Sacrament. Bishop Honesto Ongtioco will officiate the Concelebrated Mass at 4:30 p.m. Mona Lacanlale is president of the Eucharistic Adorers’ League.

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