Go ahead, let your hair down!

Everyday is a new day, with new problems. Every single morning is a blessing. Waking up everyday simply means having another chance to fix what’s broken.

Getting stressed out has basically become a part of our everyday lives. I often wonder why sometimes, there just isn’t much to think about.

Living a "perfect" life just wouldn’t seem so normal for me. My ideas and viewpoints may come across to you as something extremely odd, but if we think about it, life would be so boring if there were no trials.

Our life revolves around problems and it really depends on how we handle such matters.

Some literally go insane and end up seeking medical help for getting so stressed out, while some just stay calm and relaxed all throughout the ride.

Getting stressed out involves a lot of elements. This could mean lack of sleep, exercise, or not having the right diet.

Little things on the surface reflect one’s outlook in life. I pity those who feel the need to speak negatively of others just to gain self-confidence.

It’s very abnormal to earn self-respect at the expense of other people. I think these people are mentally ill.

I speak for those who are victims of this kind of treatment, and end up laughing because they know better than to even bother and spend their precious time on something like that.

Not having self-confidence is one of the main things that bring a person to his lowest point. It also affects those around him.

One can fight this through relaxation. Simple things like walking around the mall can be a form of relaxation. Catching a movie is also a good idea.

It can take you to a different world, far away from reality.

Going to the gym can also relieve stress. The bottom line is that problems come and go, and we don’t have to spend all our time fixing them.

Everything happens for a reason, and some things that can be fixed are better left alone. But if it gets to the point where other people get involved, seeking a psychiatrist would probably the best option.

Body stress, however, is a different story. Not eating right and lack of sleep are two of its causes.

Going on a diet sounds great, but it’s no fun at all. Last week, I ended up having to work around the clock. I had to attend a pictorial, then go straight to the taping of GMA 7’s Fantastic Kids. After, I headed to Batangas for the taping of Ang Pagbabago, another Kapuso program.

Call time for the pictorial was 10 a.m., so I had to be up at 7 a.m. These past few weeks, I’ve gotten so used to sleeping at around 4 a.m. My body clock gets up after lunch!

I didn’t have much sleep on my way to the pictorial. On top of that, I wasn’t eating much because I was trying to go on a "diet."

The next thing I knew, I was on my way to Batangas the next morning straight from the taping of Fantastic Kids!

Too bad for me that this would be Ang Pagbabago’s first reformatted episode where we would have to do physical challenges.

The first challenge was quite easy. We just had to dive and get something at the bottom of the ocean where the water was only about 12 to 15 feet deep.

I was shocked to find myself running out of air! I ended up swallowing a large amount of salt water while diving into the water.

Then my feet felt numb. Next thing I knew, the paramedics were attending to me.

I didn’t realize the last meal I had was more than 24 hours ago. I had to stay in bed for the rest of the day. I had no more energy left.

The incident made me realize a lot of things. It was very alarming to feel so weak and helpless. Things like getting a massage, joining yoga and other classes are also great forms of relaxation. Getting enough sleep also makes a big difference.

There’s nothing like waking up to morning sunshine. Clearly, relaxation spells the difference!

Have a great Sunday!

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