Kuya Kim’s adventures in Animalandia

To residents of Manila’s fifth district, he is the guy they ran to for help while he was serving them as councilor. Today, he is Kuya Kim to children who can’t afford to watch the National Geographic or Discovery channels, the guy who can cuddle a snake or a lizard as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

Kim Atienza has been hosting the Animalandia segment of ABS-CBN’s early morning show Magandang Umaga Pilipinas for two years now you can bet your last centavo he can do it with eyes closed. Except that Manila Mayor Lito Atienza’s son would rather be up on his toes to maintain Animalandia’s status as one of the most popular segments in the daily show (Monday to Friday).

One morning a few weeks ago, Kim, in his trademark beige hat, was at Malabon Zoo in time for the opening of a tiger sanctuary. At another time, he was admiring the diversity of reptile and amphibian life in Calatagan.

No place is too far, no mammal too formidable, for Kim and his production staff to visit. The staff includes a permanent cameraman trained in the art of taking candid shots at the most unpredictable and seemingly dangerous animals.

How can you, for instance, train the camera on a flock of birds without distracting them and making them fly away at the slightest hint of movement, or even a glimmer of light? It takes years to master the art and Kim’s cameraman sure knows this. He knows just when to prop his tripod on a choice spot or train his lens and click merrily away.

"Timing," says Kim. "is most important." Without it, the animal’s survival instinct will make him scurry away as fast his legs can take him, far from camera range. There are no take twos, no second chances.

And that’s a challenge Kim and his crew find too good to resist. So they carry on, in the process amassing a month’s worth of advance footage for Animalandia.

Kim’s segment is not just about exotic birds and rare animals. It’s also about learning more about animal rights and letting the public in on it. Add a generous dose of tips on environment protection and lessons on ecology, and you get a clear picture of what Animalandia is all about.

The passion for things exotic and unusual has been with Kim ever since he can remember. In fact, this Aquarian’s motto could very well be the more you crinkle your nose and raise your eyebrows out of curiosity about any creature, crawling or walking on all fours, the better.

That’s why he spends an hour a day surfing the Net and reading books in search of new materials on animals. His researches not only fill his databank for Animalandia, but gives him new leads to pursue in his never-ending search for the extraordinary and unexplored.

Among the extraordinary creatures Kim keeps at home are snakes and lizards, which the household has learned to treat as pets. Instead of running away scared, favorite teddy bear in hand, Kim’s daughter, one-year-old Eliana, has completely embraced her father’s passion for animals .

"How she loves to get down on her knees and get dirty!" Kim says with pride overflowing. "A snake doesn’t scare the daylights out of her. She even hugs the reptile when she sees it. Just like me, she loves animals and adventure."

Someday, her father will show her the scratches and scars he sustained from his adventures with animals, and chances are, the little girl, far from cringing in fear, will take it as a challenge.

Kim’s oldest child, Jose, on the other hand, is more like his business-minded mom, Felicia. The resulting balance in the family, however, could still change once the third child, due late this month or early February, is born.

One thing will remain constant, though: Kim’s overriding passion for animals and his drive to let the young feel it, too.

It has also made him realize how showbiz and politics can go together in perfect harmony.

"They can be used to educate people," Kim points out.

He further observes, "The most charismatic politicians use the showbiz approach in their speeches and other things as well."

Kim Atienza knows that with showbiz and politics on his side, he has two powerful weapons in his hands. More importantly, he knows that used properly, they will go a long way in helping young people appreciate animals more and teach them a lesson or two about caring for others to boot.

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