The hectic week that was

Have you ever felt like you just had too much on your plate? That you need to get too many things done in so short a time? Or that you need to make decisions while trying to get some work done?

This past week was very interesting for me. I wouldn’t call it an emotional roller coaster situation but it’s a lot like it. There was always something new going on everyday for me this week. It wasn’t like one of those same-thing-different-day kind of week.

Let’s start with Monday. Monday was the day my brother’s nanny came back after a supposed two-week vacation. But it turned out to be one-week break. This was such a relief for me because the nanny who replaced her wanted to leave right on the second day of work! I was so stressed because I had a lot of work lined up the past week.

Of course, there’d be no way I’d leave my brother with just anybody. But luckily, we were able to talk the other nanny into staying a few more days at least until the original nanny came back.

Tuesday was one whole day of running errands I’ve put aside the past two weeks. These include paying bills and a few other important things that had to be done. That was the day I spent a little over an hour in the men’s section of the department store trying to find my brother a formal outfit for his recital yesterday.

This was my first time ever trying to find clothes for men, not to mention a whole outfit with a matching necktie! Oh boy! I never knew how hard it was trying to find a good combination of clothes. I was literally standing in one spot of the store for about an hour or so! I ended up with a nice pink polo, gray slacks, and a gray necktie. Good enough? I hope so.

If only I could explain how good I felt when I came home and saw that I got him the right sizes. He was so handsome! I attended a pictorial for MTV Supastah last Wednesday. I was originally supposed to just judge the models on how they project themselves during the pictorial. Instead, I helped them style their poses.

That was when I learned I actually enjoy styling. I’m thinking of maybe getting more into photography later on.

The girls were beautiful. They were very nice and friendly. It was actually very hard for me to score them.

This coming Friday is the finals night. I can’t wait to watch the fashion show. I’m sure the girls will do really well.

Last Thursday, I decided to get my column done a day earlier this week because I have a very special guest flying in the next day. This guest of mine spent the whole weekend with my brother and me.

Thursday was a real fun day for me. I taped for Bitoy’s Funniest Videos. The show sets people up for pranks. In this case, they set up a lady applying for a cashier in "my" convenience store.

Five minutes after she met me, we decided to leave her with the store and promised we will be back right away. Then my "grandfather" entered the store and started making a mess! The rest you’ll just have to watch on Bitoy’s Funniest Videos this Saturday on GMA.

You got to see this. It’s hilarious. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cut it short for you guys. I just thought it would be funnier if you see it yourself.

After the taping, I went straight to Nuts Entertainment where I played a French maid in one of the segments. I’m not sure when they will air it, but I will keep those interested in seeing me in my French maid outfit posted.

The highlight of my day was finally finding my brother his Santa Claus outfit for his recital the other day. I found it so hard looking for a Santa Claus outfit that would fit him and was made of nice material. I took the chance in asking the Nuts Entertainment wardrobe team if they knew where I could buy one. Instead, they gladly lent me a pair they had in stock. I was so happy I was lost for words! They were so nice. By the way, our special guest who flew in over the week is my dad. He came to watch my brother’s recital at Philamlife Auditorium. My brother was with other disabled kids and senior citizens.

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