A second chance for Stella

Survival has always been the name of Stella Ruiz’s game. As a girl deprived of a happy childhood, she rose above poverty to make a name in modeling and showbiz. And now, in her comeback bid as singer-actress, Stella hopes to repeat that feat she pulled off as a teenager many years ago.

Back from a short stay in the US, Stella’s cropped hair-do screams, "I’m different now. I’m myself, and I’m having the time of my life!"

Having the time of her life means doing what she has always wanted to do: sing. Her fingers pluck the guitar strings, and out comes the music of her new life: soulful, plaintive pop-rock strains with hints of country here and there.

"I studied the guitar for five years," she says proudly. And it tickles her pink to hear Ella May Saison say Stella is the Sheryl Crow of the Philippines. Learning how someone traveled all the way from Pampanga to Manila to watch her perform at Bistro RJ is also music to Stella’s ears.

It makes up for all those rejections she got from talent managers who belittled her just because she happened to be a sexy star. It compensates for nasty remarks like "Why, does she have something to come back to?". It allows her to ignore doubting Thomases who scoffed at her account of how she recorded a song Saverio Principini (who has written songs for Avril Lavigne and Hilary Duff) made just for her.

Stella’s tough childhood and teenaged years taught her to shrug off such put-downers and take them as challenges to prove herself instead. She’s not a showbiz veteran for nothing.

"Showbiz has taught me people will always notice you, whether you do something good or bad," she muses. "Damn if you do, damn if you don’t," she says.

So Stella made up her mind.

"I will just do what I want to do, as long as I don’t step on other people’s toes," she told herself. "I’ve triumphed over drugs. I’m a strong person. I can do it," Stella reassures herself.

And so, she’s living life in her own terms. She has even taken a fatalistic view about it: If you like me, fine. If you don’t, I can’t do anything about that anymore.

Besides, she reason out, people – especially musically-inclined Pinoys – will be the first to stop you in your tracks if you don’t have what it takes to make it.

So on she went with her plans. Last April, Stella flew back to Manila with Principini’s song, It’s Not Easy to Let Go, which she recorded at the songwriter’s studio in Los Angeles. It is now part of her solo album, which Stella will co-produce with Archie Castillo. Stella is eager to embark on mall, radio and bar tours to promote the album.

Meantime, Stella recorded Cry Over You, carrier single of Galaxy Records’ Pinoy Fresh album. Finally, the album, Stella thought will never see the light of day, has finally been released. It was a delay in the album’s release that made Stella pack her bags and leave for the US.

Little did Stella know that the very thing she was running away from will bring her back to the Philippines. While in the US, a friend invited Stella to a party at Studio City, Hollywood, where she met songwriters and musicians. This was where she bumped into Principini.

"Now, my life has direction," Stella beams. "Aside from pop-rock and country songs, I’m thinking of including revivals in my album."

She has also gone back to acting, on TV, that is. Stella is Ariel Rivera’s wife in Sugo, GMA 7’s primetime teledrama. The challenging role has allowed Stella to put her sexy star image behind her for good.

Critically-acclaimed director Lore Reyes recently gave her the ultimate compliment. He called Stella aside and said, "You act well." Stella was walking on air after that.

Now GMA is said to be planning the airing of her inspiring story of triumph on Magpakailanman, and the network’s researchers have started doing the spadework.

"All these," she declares, "are answered prayers."

Stella prayed that her comeback – her second wind in showbiz – will be successful. She wanted a meaty comeback role as an actress. She prayed that she be accepted as a singer.

Stella knows it won’t be easy. "Not everybody is given a second chance," she admits. That’s why she’s as excited as kid visiting Disneyland for the first time.

Television executive producers to whom Stella said a kind word or to whom she did a good turn when they were still production assistants, are now making way for her.

"Good deeds are never wasted," Stella observes. "Like seeds, they bear fruit in time."

She points a finger upward and adds, "You just hang on to Him. With His help, you can improve your life, no matter how humble your beginnings are."

Stella is the living example of these words.

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