Obagi: What beautiful women have in common

Showbiz stars Pops Fernandez, Ruffa Gutierrez, Kris Aquino and Lucy Torres-Gomez share an age-defying secret with former Miss Universe Margie Moran-Floirendo, fashion model-beauty queen Abbygale Arenas and ABS-CBN news anchors Ces Oreña-Drilon and Karen Davila. They all have something in common in that they rely on Obagi (pronounced as Obaji) products to take care of their spotlight-punished skin.

Being some of the most recognizable faces in the country, the above-mentioned women need not make financial sacrifices for anti-aging or anti-wrinkle creams. They have discovered a medical breakthrough in Obagi products which have become their reliable regimen for radiant-looking skin.

"As a fashion model and beauty queen, I am aware of the harmful effects of cosmetic products, even those which offer improved skin," said Abbygale. "But I’ve relied on Obagi Nu Derm System which offers improved skin health. Not only does my skin look good, it also feels healthy."

With Obagi products, Abbygale has the confidence to flaunt her beauty because she knows her skin is not only radiant, but healthy as well.

"Unang gamit mo pa lang,
you can really feel the difference," Abbygale attests. "You feel fresh and you feel that your skin is rejuvenated. A lot of people would think twice about using this product, but it’s a beauty regimen that is medically prescribed that’s why hindi ka kakabahan."

Meanwhile, Margie Moran-Floirendo confesses the pressure of maintaining her beauty queen looks seems endless even if she has won the title 30 years ago. Maintaining a radiant skin is no joke for a beauty that everyone admires.

"Obagi has certainly helped me a lot," Margie says. "It’s a proven beauty regimen for me. You don’t only see the difference, you can actually feel it. Obagi takes care of my skin and keeps me looking like a Miss Universe constantly."

Perhaps unknown to many, Obagi products have been around for more than two decades now. Arguably the most highly recognized brand of medical skin care, Obagi products were developed by Syrian-born Beverly Hills-based dermatologist Dr. Zein Obagi. The products help rejuvenate the skin, which results to healthy, glowing skin.

Dr. Obagi has had Filipino patients in his first clinic in Chula Vista, California since the early ’80s. "That was what convinced me to come to Manila," Dr. Obagi said. "I would get Filipino patients in California so I said, why don’t I visit the Philippines?" Today, the doctor treats his patients at a posh Beverly Hills clinic where his clients include Latin-American pop music superstar Ricky Martin, Victoria’s Secret model Stephanie Seymour and other Hollywood luminaries.

The Belo Medical Group headed by Dr. Vicki Belo and her business partner Joey Santos are the exclusive distributors of Obagi products in the Philippines. Vicki learned about Dr. Obagi in the early ’90s. She tried the product on a patient with pigmentation problems and the skin looked better. Eventually, she sought out the renowned doctor who led the way to a new world of skin health care.

Both doctors, incidentally, are walking advertisements for the skin health restoration products they promote, having very good skin which makes them look 10 years younger than their actual ages. Vicki cannot be more pleased that several women, not just those who are in showbiz, have relied on Obagi products. "A lot of women swear by the results," she says. "Before, they would even go to the States or order the products from there. Now, all the products are available here (in Manila)."

Dr. Obagi first visited Manila in October 2000 for the 10th anniversary celebration of the Belo Medical Group, when he gave a lecture and workshop to dermatologists about skin care. He returned in March 2003 to launch the Obagi Circle of Friends, an exclusive club for all Belo Medical Group’s patients who use the skin health restoration system. He also gave a short talk on skin rejuvenation and how he developed the blue peel.

Dr. Obagi was in Manila for the third time last week to promote the new Obagi-C RX System, the first and only prescription-based Vitamin C System to prevent the skin’s accelerated aging process. The new products include the cleansing gel, exfoliating day lotion, the night cream, sunguard and the clarifying serum for skin lightening.

"These new products came out after extensive research for highly penetrating Vitamin C to revitalize the skin in a gentler way and maintain it nicely," Dr. Obagi grants. "What we offer is not just something to put on your skin, it’s a treatment."

Interestingly, discovering revolutionary ways to rejuvenate the skin was simply incidental to Dr. Obagi, who was originally a pathologist trying to find better treatment for burn patients or solve problems of genetic pigmentation.

Dr. Obagi developed his own classification system, which considers many variables such as skin color, oiliness, thickness, fragility and laxity. He further refined each category. There are certain procedures and maintenance programs that are suitable to specific skin types. Thankfully, he didn’t just concentrate on Western or white skin. He also extended his studies to Afro-American and Asian skin.

"I invented the concept of treating Asian skin," Dr. Obagi beams. "You can’t create a universal approach to treating the skin. Not all skin types will respond to the treatment the same way. Most of the cream products for the skin are only for the surface, but Obagi products function directly to the cells and go deeper than the surface. They treat the skin and give you good, beautiful skin in six to eight weeks. The products prove that all types of skin can be treated successfully."

Obagi products are so popular and they don’t come cheap. They are definitely for the high-end market, so fake ones have inevitably proliferated. However, Dr. Obagi points out he does not decide on the prices of his products. "I have nothing to do with the price scheme," he explains. "I train dermatologists and plastic surgeons. I visit universities and hospitals and teach doctors on how to use the system. The system is not expensive because the treatment works. The expenses depend on the efficiency of the products."

The products include the foaming gel and toner to prepare the skin, clear Exfoderm to correct, blender to stimulate and comfort gel to control and relieve the surface itching and dryness. Contrary to myth that you cannot go under the sun or use makeup while using Obagi products, the doctor attests "you can have fun, enjoy life and live normally" even if you’re undergoing the Obagi skin treatment.

Obagi insists he does the normal practices of other dermatologists and plastic surgeons. However, he goes the extra mile to make the skin really look healthy. "There’s no miracle involved with what we offer," Dr. Obagi asserts. "We are not inventing or introducing new drugs. We are using ingredients for skin treatment that have been used for years, but we are constantly trying to find out how to make them work in new ways to hydrate the skin. We want to restore the original skin vitality. The treatment corrects the skin and makes it healthier."

Dr. Obagi continues to develop ways to serve his patients even better. In the fall of 2005, he is set to open the Obagi Medical Spa in the Golden Triangles in Beverly Hills.

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