William Hung’s perseverance pays off

Filipinos have terms for it. Bilib sa sarili or matapang ang apog. That is how they describe people whose estimate of themselves and their capabilities defy all logic. They probably said that while watching auditions for this year’s edition of American Idol. And I wholeheartedly agree. Just as any open call for tryouts can tax one’s patience or incredulity, there were so many of them with bilib sa sarili who showed up. I truly did marvel at the patience of the judges, Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell who sifted through the riff raff in search of the special 12 finalists.

For reasons unknown, or maybe I should say because of destiny – since that is the only explanation I can think of – one of their rejects stood out over everybody and captured the imagination of many. He was William Hung, a Civil Engineering student at UC Berkeley. He did not look like a possible American Idol and he did not sound like one. His rendition of Ricky Martin’s She Bangs was just unbelievable. The wonder of it all though was watching him say he had no training in music with a straight face when he was rejected. So I am sure all those involved in the show and those watching it placed William under the file labeled "It Takes All Kinds" and concentrated on which ones will make the final 12.

Well, it turns out that not everyone did. There were people watching who thought William had something that will make the guy from Hong Kong an Idol. And if we are to believe the cover blurb on his first CD release, William of American Idol is the Ultimate Idol. You say, what! He has a CD. Yes, he has. Not just an ordinary CD. His first album, Inspiration, has already sold over 200,000 copies and is number one among the independent releases. It has a free poster of William and a bonus VCD that features "brand new, never-before seen William footage and interviews!"

These days William is all over the web, singing and dancing She Bangs, proffered as a cursor, screen saver, finder. His video, also of She Bangs is in heavy airplay on TV. I have also heard She Bangs being played on local radio. He is now performing in shows with the likes of Jessica Simpson, Outkast and Mario Winans. And wonder of wonders, his autographed photos are for sale. People are paying money just to have a picture of William! And take note, he is enjoying all these while American Idol finalists remain in pressure-cooker existence over who will be the next to be booted out.

What has William Hung got? Nerve? Gall! Chutzpah! Lakas ng loob! But why are so many people reacting positively to him? Is this a case of finding some strange X-Factor? Is this the Western backlash against the growing dominance of Asians in their countries? I am sure many will agree the Chinese have evolved into handsome, moneyed, well-educated people who excel in many fields of endeavor. Examples like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, F4 abound in show business. So not show the other side by harking back to the laughable image of the Intsik Beho of old with the likes of William Hung? Has the US also discovered there is money to be made out of novelty recordings? William can only be classified as a novelty.

Then maybe this is just a case of having somebody the less privileged in looks and talent among us can relate to. "If William can, why can’t I," many are probably telling themselves these days. The album makes much of this angle. It includes inspirational thoughts. William gives words of gratitude to those who bought the CD, about his passion for music, about persevering in your dream and about being true to yourself.

Of course, William also sings. I do not know if it was the weather but while I found She Bangs tolerable, having heard it several times before, his I Believe I Can Fly comes with a ready-to-wear headache. Still, if you want to feel good about your singing prowess, you might want to treat yourselves to this plus his other songs in the album. Bailamos, Hotel California, Can You Feel the Love Tonight, Two Worlds, Rocket Man, Circle of Life, Y.M.C.A., Shake Your Bon-Bon and his only original track Free.

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