The name is Johnny Knoxville

Johnny Knoxville, a genuine Knoxville, Tennessee native moved to Hollywood with aspirations of becoming a big-time movie star, but soon found himself slumming it on the commercial actor circuit instead. Between casting calls, he freelanced a journey for a variety of magazines, including Big Brothers Skateboard Magazine, whose art/editorial director capitalized on Knoxville‘s remarkable penchant for putting himself in harm’s way in a rather hilarious fashion. For fun and further notoriety, Knoxville was soon flinging himself off, on or into any number of dangerous situations, including a bull, a car and a half-pipe, much to the delight of skateboarders everywhere.

"The person who had the biggest effect on my point of view and sense of humor was my father, because he was always pulling pranks on me and his employees," says Knoxville. "One of my favorites was the time he gave all his employees, at the tire company he owned, chocolate milkshakes filled with Ex-lax."

Knoxville most recently appeared in Barry Sonnenfeld’s highly successful sequel, Men in Black 2.

How’s the movie coming?

It’s going great.

Can you call it Jackass?

Yeah Jackass, the Movie. Yeah we can. It wouldn’t be too unfunny if we had to blur it, but yeah we can.

Did the BBQ lawsuits kill your show on MTV…did you have to go to trial?

No. I never went to a trial and as far as I know, I don’t know any law suits that arose from that… but that’s a question for MTV.

Are you trying to use Jackass as a vehicle to get into the acting/movies?

No, Jackass has kind of evolved and so did the movie thing.

How did you break into MTV?

We just had this show and a few people wanted it so it ended up on MTV.

How do you get to feel so comfortable on camera?

You’re really not thinking about the camera, because some imminent doom is coming your way so the camera’s the least of your worries.

Do you get hurt doing these things?

No, not really, just some concussions and some breaks.

What about the Jackass movie?

An hour and half long, much much naughtier version of the show. It’s going to be an R-rating and we’re going to take full advantage of it. Only adults will be allowed in … more mature themes … or immature themes (laughs).

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