Christmas cards that touch the heart — and soul

More than what’s inside the box, whether something as perishable as ice-cream or as lasting (at least for 12 months) as a diary-organizer, the thing that touches the heart — and the soul — as far as I am concerned is the card attached to the box — and the words printed on it. The words, of course, become more meaningful when they are handwritten (personalized, you know).

I keep Christmas cards and other special-occasion cards as well. Not all of them, anyway. Only the "meaningful" ones. In fact, I had one of them framed — a Christmas card (sent to me by Johnny "Oh No" Litton), on the front part of which was a reproduction of a beautiful painting (by an Italian artist) of Mother and Child. I put that framed card on my

headboard and I say "Thank you" to it every night before I turn in.

These past two Christmases, I’ve been missing the Christmas card(s), with accompanying poems specially written for each receiver, sent through the past two decades or so by my good friend Charlie Angeles from L.A. where he chose to retire — and die. I really miss those cards, Charlie. I really do.

Since first week of December, Funfare has been receiving all sorts of cards. And as this corner’s "tradition" these past few years, I pick out the best ones, chosen solely on the basis of their impact on me. I asked some STAR people (Maridol, Anne, Arnold, Don, Bot and Maricar) to rank my choices and you’ll see the Best 5 on this page.

Agree or disagree?

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