Adlawan to strut riding skills in Badian motocross

CEBU, Philippines - Decorated Cebuano daredeil Jon-Jon Adlawan faces a tall order in his quest for supremacy in the 1st Mayor Robburt Librando Initational Motocross today in Badian.

Expectations on Adlawan of PowerSports Racing are getting higher after another company, Kopiko/Energen, struck a sponsorship deal with Cebu’s top expert rider.

Kopiko/Energen sponsors Adlawan’s apparel in motocross, while Denmark’s J.O. Racing Honda remains the corporate backer for his racing bike.

The eer daring Dondon Yuson and Winsor Pamorca are out to gie Adlawan a run for his money.

Aside from the expert, the other categories to be contested include the open enduro, beginners open, noice open, intermediate, 125 cc open category, open production, eterans A and B, mini and peewee.   

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